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red_dragon said:
yea we all push for fsb here. That's why we all have nf7's :p. I still need to vdd mod, but I suck at soldering :(
I never soldered before and i managed to pull it off. Won't try it again though.. lol
Ad Rock said:
Would you care to explain that statement some? Are you talking about using a higher multi instead of going for the highest FSB?

yaya... something like 13.5x200 or 12x210 like that...
adding to the thread dbase:


2600+ XP-M, IQYHA 0402 SPMW, ~1.92 vcore load, 11.5x238 ~ 2.74GHZ, on water.
ok guys. I think my 2600 moblie is dieing and I need to get a new one. Excaliber has 3 available what do you all think.

AMD Mobile Athlon XP2600 Processor(Tray) (AQYHA: 0421FPMW)
AMD Mobile Athlon XP2600 Processor(Tray) (IQYHA:0429 SPMW)
AMD Mobile Athlon XP2600 Processor(Tray) (IQYHA:0447APMW)

even a couple 35w

AMD Mobile Athlon XP2400 35W Processor(Tray) (AQYHA:0415VPMW)
AMD Mobile Athlon XP2400 35W Processor(Tray) (IQYHA:0430EPMW)

I am thinking the middle 2600...thats just me
I think spend the $100. on a Sempron 3100+ instead. Of course you'll need a new MB but once you overclock it you'll have 20-30% higher performance than with an XP. Switching motherboards doesn't cost much if you sell your current one.
if it is in stock:
AMD Mobile Athlon XP2600 Processor(Tray) (IQYHA:0429 SPMW)

the other IQYHA didnt do so well. that one should be on par with the IQYHA 0402 SPMW (the one i have).

good luck.
Fantastic thread! I've almost read it all. Thanks to the author and everyone else.

I got three XP-Mobiles in the last two weeks so will post the steppings that NewEgg is shipping now. Just got the 2600+ Dec. 31st so you'll probably get the same stepping.

XP-M 2200+ 1.35V AXMD2200FJQ4C AQYHA 0427 DP0W
XP-M 2400+ 1.45V AXMH2400FQQ4C AQYHA 0440 UPGW
XP-M 2600+ 1.45V AXMG2600FQQ4C AQYHA 0421 FPMW

I've only tested them slightly in an A7N8X 2.0 Deluxe and A7N8X-E Deluxe and all three run Windows XP stably at 11.5x200 @ 1.65v. All blue screen while starting Windows when I go to 12.5x200. They all seem ok at 12x200. I don't plan to go higher so I don't see much difference between them but am sure the 2600+ would pull ahead at higher voltages and frequencies.

what about a 2800+ mobile?
0419 SPMW

i can't find anything on this? do they OC well?
I've got a XP-M2400+ 35W (AXMD2400FJQ4C I know there should be more but I don't bother to take off the cpu-cooler), but I cant seem to get over 2,4GHz stable.(200x12) At first (about 2 months ago) I used 1.65v vcore :cool: but now I must use 1.775v vcore to get it stable at all!:bang head I've booted windows xp at 2.6GHz with about 1.90-2v vcore but not stable enough....what am I doing wrong?
it could be your ram...could be your Power Supply...could be your motherboard. Generally your processor is the last thing that dies or weakens. To maintain my 2.65 Ghz speed on my 2600 I have had to drop my FSB overclock in favor of higher Multi to remain stable. My ram is getting sick of the 3.3v I have to run through it.

Do your voltages have a high variance? If your rails are solid but your CPU volts vary wildly then its probably your mainboard mosfets getting stressed and not being able to maintain tight tolerances. Its just an example, I have no idea what is up with your situation but hopefully this gives you a few places to start looking.
I've got a Abit NF7v2.0 w/newest official bios, 2x256MB TwinMOS PC3200 CL2.5 RAM and a Hiper Type-R 480W PSU. I tried just for fun to boot up with 1.35v vcore@stock speed and it works just fine. Now I'll try getting the fsb up to 220 or something, maybe to optimistic? How much fsb can the twinmos chips handle?

edit: Couldnt boot up at 220mhz fsb so I'll keep it at 200, changed mp to 12.5 and vcore 1.8 bios [CPU-Z: 1.744-1.792 varies a little =(]
What about ram timings? I'm using 3-3-8 cas2.5 now.....should I change it? can the twinmos chips handle cas 2.0?
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Here is what I did. Back off timings to something like 3-4-4-10. Lower multi to something like 8. Start with a known good FSB and increase in 5mhz increments. Testing with Memtest+ each time. I don't know much about your ram but mine in particular is made with CH-5 chips so I did a volt mod to run 3.3 volts to the ram to overcome the internal voltage regulator. You can also try increasing the voltage to achieve better performance. Find the limit then work back down with tighter timings like 2.5-3-3-8 till your stable with timings that work for you. Testing with memtest each time. Some people are lucky enough to run 2-2-2-6 stable at high FSB.

Now that your stable with memtest doesn't mean you are stable in windows. When you have your timings and FSB where you can get it and stable in memtest boot into windows and run Prime95 with all nonrequired processes off. Once you find stable FSB that way then I start upping the Multi and testing for stability. It will take you some time to get everything just right and running stable. Watch your temps!