Well to me every game that came out on the pc from Blizzard was pretty addicting. First there was WCII then Diablo, then SC, and then Diablo 2 and finally WCIII. I know that isnt neccesarilly the order in which they where released, but that is the order that "I" played them. All of these games have consumed a considerable amount of my time. But if I think about it, there where a lot of games on the original Nintendo that consumed me. Super Mario bros. and Mike Tyson's punchout got the holy living schmitt played out of them. Right now for me the game that gets the most play is WCIII Frozen Throne td maps. Call of Duty is getting some play too. I wish that I could get broadband internet so that I could have at least gotten a taste of what is so addicting about CS. I love to play it on lan.