Hey everyone, this is my first post in this forum but it has already helped reading the advice everyone has on here. My problem is this:
I have an MSI Neo2 Platinum board running 1.37b (which actually reads 1.3B7 on boot-up) with an AMD 64 3000+ Winchester and 2x256 KHX and 2x512 KHX running in dual channel DDR400. The system runs awesome without OC'ing, but of course only at 1.8GHZ. So now I'm trying to OC it but for the life of me no matter what I do I can't get it stable above 235 FSB. I've tried taking the ram to 2.85v and running it at 100 max memclock with all the CAS/RCD/RP/RAS on auto (running it slow) and that had no difference. I've tried using CPU VID 1.55v with the extra 10% and it didn't work. HTT Freq is on 4x, so I'm actually running something like 940 FSB and currently 192 DDR (166 max memclock). My BIOS settings currently are:
High Perf - Disabled
Aggresive Timing - Disabled
Speed Up - Disabled
DRAM Drive Strength - Disabled
Speed Spectrum - Disabled
HT Freq - x4
Cool 'n' Quiet - Disabled
FSB - 235
AGP - 66
CPU VID - 1.5v
Mem Volt - 2.75v
AGP Volt - 1.70v
This is stable all day, with an occasional 40+ C degrees temperature.
I can take that same setup, max out all voltage (with the exception of AGP), and raise the FSB to 240 and it always crashes once Windows starts. Once the programs are loaded and I start to move the mouse, it starts to degenerate until it completely freezes.
Also, I normally run my Ram Timing (and am currently with the 235 FSB) at:
CAS - 2.0
Rcd - 3
Ras - 6
Rp - 2
and even though the ram is rated for it, no matter what I do, if I put it on 1T Windows always crashes before it even starts to load. This is even without the OC'ing. Don't know if you all can help me with that either.
Anyway, I really appreciate any kind of help I can get from you all. Thanks again.