Hey Dude, It would be a shame to waste that chip on a mobo like the MSI 6368l. I know you said this is being built for a friend or something but you could easily oc that chip to maybe 1120 (160fsb X 7) in a decent mobo and get really good performance out of it especialy on the memory bandwith side.
If you look at my sig you will see that I have a system that is almost the same except its a p3-700 (100X7) oc,ed to 1120 (160X7) and I have been really happy with its performance infact I originaly bought my vh6t to put my tuly 1.3a in but could not get to run over 117fsb and while the cpu and arithmetic benches were good it sucked on the memory benches so I put the p3-700@1120 in and left it. I will eventualy try a celly-t 1.1a in the mobo because I want all of the memory bandwith I can get and that takes a high fsb (133 or greater). You will also need some good memory chips too. That will be my last p3/cely system though because I am itching to build a p4 northwood 1.6a or 1.8a oc,ed to 2400-2600, but thats another topic for another day.
Good Luck