SLI Works!!!!!!!
I finally figured it out!!! Except I get nasty artifacts and that sucks, might be a bad card.
One of my eVGA cards had a different BIOS revision, same BIOS number but they had different revisions so I flashed them with the same revision and boom I get the option for SLI popup on the desktop.
Directions for Flashing, do this at your own risk…I don’t know what else to tell you, other than that I had no problems doing this.
I used this program to reflash my cards -> nvFlash 5.13 really easy, you need a floppy drive in your comp though (which I did luckily).
Main section with all NVIDIA stuff (BIOS, Utility files, Driver files):
First Off, you need to do 1 card at a time so hook one up in normal mode, and label the things with some piece of tape or something. You need to label them, write down the serial numbers cause you need to know which bios goes with which when you copy the backup bios just in case there are problems and you need to revert back.
1) Under NVIDIA Util Files you will see “nvFlash Version 5.13” I used that.
2) Then under NVIDIA BIOS Files I used eVGA 6800GT Rev 2.0 BIOS.
3) Download both files
4) Get a blank floppy disk, stick it in then under “My Computer” right click on 3 ½ Floppy and go to “Format”
5) Check the option that says “Create an MS-DOS startup disk” -> then format it
6) Next copy the BIOS you downloaded and the nvFlash utility exe files (should be two) onto the ms-dos disk
7) Rename the BIOS.rom file of the eVGA bios to “NEW.rom”, this is because the freakin dos can’t read the default name lol, wasted my time trying to do it so I renamed it as a solution
8) Then you’re startup disk is set with everything you need.
1) Reboot with startup disk in the floppy drive
2) First thing is to backup the BIOS currently on the card…so with the card in and at the A prompt type:
nvflash –b originalBIOS1.rom and hit enter; you can customize what’s in italic. This will create a backup.rom file with the filename you specify, you really need to match this bios backup with the right card so write down that bios name with the serial number of the card that’s hooked up.
3) Then you are ready to flash:
nvflash -5 -6 NEW.rom -> if you want to know what the numbers mean then look in the help file that has all the commands. Depending on your situation you might have to force flash which I didn’t have to do so check the MVK forums for help.
4) Then when it’s done, shutdown and then reboot.
5) Do steps 1-4 with the second card in normal mode as well.
Note: You must install (1) card in normal mode and then the next one in SLI mode.
1) Boot up with (1) card in normal mode. If you haven’t uninstalled all the drivers yet then do so.
2) When you have all the drivers uninstalled and you’ve rebooted then install the newest forceware drivers from eVGA or nVIDIA’s site, both worked for me. It will install for that first card.
3) Reboot completely with the new drivers.
4) Shutdown then install the second card in SLI mode.
5) Boot up and let windows auto install the second card.
6) Then reboot after it says that it’s installed.
7) SLI should pop-up.
This is exactly what I did to get the SLI to work.