What do you mean what am I trying to run?
Because you mention 7.1 and then suddenly say 7.1 stereo... so I am not sure what your goal is. I guess it is both.
I can run any thing I want in any stage I want. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Of course! Nobody said otherwise. All I did here was clarify the proper locations for 7.1 surround sound. You can run whatever you want, but, you mentioned 7.1 surround first and then 7.1 stereo so I was confused.
See I do not get it, My system is audiophile quality, yet since ONE speaker isn't exactly 10000000000000000000000000000000000000% perfect then it's some how not? and I should just scrap using the full potential of my 7.1 channel AVR system? That is your opinion? How do you come to such a conclusion based on the placement of one speaker? I mean isn't that like tossing the baby out with the bath water?
IMO, a true audiophile wouldn't run a 'rigged' setup if they didn't have to. Maybe you think it's throwing out the baby with the bathwater, but I certainly don't. So in short, yes, I personally wouldn't run 7.1 surround like that, even if the speaker is only off by a few feet.
I'm not wanting to argue this but I would like to understand your thinking.
In fact toeing the speaker in as much as it is makes it in fact a side speaker so where is the loss of sound stage? I have run all the tests the sound stage seems set fine to me. I just do not understand your thinking is all.
See what I said above... that is my thinking. As far as toeing it in or whatever, you are getting the sounds intended for the side behind you. This borks the soundstage that 7.1 is supposed to achieve. Please see the diagram for 7.1 and where the side speakrs are supposed to go.
But still to think that one speaker would stop you from hooking up a sound stage is just well strange at best to me.
And this, to me, is the difference between an audiophile and someone simply setting up speakers. I used to have your mentality, in college... but after learning some of the finer points about audio, I went with proper setups where possible forgoing improper setups. Perhaps my pinkie is fully extended in snob fashion, but hey... it is what it is. I prefer to hear it as it should be heard and calibrated as it should be calibrated. If someone else doesn't want to for whatever reason, that is up to them, of course.
It never hurts to try and another thing is you will never know unless you try. I am a believer in this.
As am I. Nobody is saying NOT to try. All I did was suggest proper placement and support that assertion with a link showing how they should be setup.
So again this what are you trying to run statement is baffling to me. When I listen to music I like 7 ch. when I watch or play games the AVR system will detect if there is a digital signal or dts-ES or 6.1 or whatever and aromatically set it's self at that time the Computer and AVR have full control I only have full control when the signal is not locked.
When I listen to music, it is generally in 2.1. I do not run 5.1 stereo. My system automatically switches as well. For music and your 7.2 stereo, the setup is ok. For true 7.1 surround, the side speakers should be on the side for best results.
Please stop taking suggestions and info drops as a personal affront.