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>>>Need 2100 tbred modding help !!!

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Super Speedy Senior
Jan 18, 2003
My friend has a a7v266 mobo. I just bought 2x2100 tbred'b's one for him and one for me after a little testing I got the chip that I wanted and gave him the other but the problem is if we change the muiltipler or fsb in his bios his system want boot the good thing is we can run the chip @ 1.35 volts @ stock speed and as low as 1.25 volt's. I need to now how to set the muiltplier higher or have the ablility to change both via bios I really dont want to have to mod the chip the one I gave him is green btw the one I keep hit's 2.65 so far.

I figured this would be the best place to post this sence it will have to do with modding a amd cpu but I really will need some help to figure out how to get a higher muiltipier or fsb.

Btw muitl's go up to 22x in him bios and the system isn't stable after about 145 fsb so muiltiplers would be the best bet if I could figure out what I need to do to get a higher one something like a 15 or 16 or 17 would be great.
I don't really understand what happens? The 2100+ will have x13 - x24 with some exceptions.
Here's a chart, it might not be exactly what you need, but it should help you understand what multi is what. Also what is the PSU that he has?
The Coolest said:
I don't really understand what happens? The 2100+ will have x13 - x24 with some exceptions.
Here's a chart, it might not be exactly what you need, but it should help you understand what multi is what. Also what is the PSU that he has?

no link...
Well he just upgraded to a little high of a psu 480 true blue antec LOL a bit much for the board but he will not need to upgrade again anytime soon.
What multis does he have then? You mentioned in your initial post that he had multis up to 22x but you also need to know how to get to 15x, 16x or 17x.

If the multis you are looking for aren't in the bios, then there's nothing you can do to change the multi except for hardcoding the processor itself to stay at a specific multi. Does his mobo have any jumpers for multi options?
Yes there are muilt's for jumper's for 8x to 11.5 x I tried to do the wire trick it boot's @ 13 fine but the first lower one's it want and the other's it will but stay's @ 13 even if the bios say's it's @ 20, 18, 17 etc etc etc.

So hardcore mod the chip and be done with it.