my setup for an intel white/beige pc is going to be :
Case - Antec Beige Performance II Mini Tower Case w/ 430W Antec Truepower
Video - Saphire Radeon 9800 Pro with Thermtake Giant III
Mobo - Abit AI7 Motherboard i865
Monitor - Viewsonic Beige 17" CRT
CPU - Intel Pentium 4 2.8C (Northbridge)
Mouse - Microsoft Intelli Optical
CD - Lite On 52x32x52
DVD - Lite On 4x DvD-RW
HD - Seagate 80 GB (x2)
Questions are :
1. What's good cooling hsf for p4 2.8c? im going to OC to about 3.4
2. What's a good WHITE/BEIGE keyboard with ROUND volume control
3. I want 4 sticks of 512 ram in dual channel to make 2 GB, which brand is best for p4? corsair? ocz? i dont want more than 2 gb.
-TY in advance.
my setup for an intel white/beige pc is going to be :
Case - Antec Beige Performance II Mini Tower Case w/ 430W Antec Truepower
Video - Saphire Radeon 9800 Pro with Thermtake Giant III
Mobo - Abit AI7 Motherboard i865
Monitor - Viewsonic Beige 17" CRT
CPU - Intel Pentium 4 2.8C (Northbridge)
Mouse - Microsoft Intelli Optical
CD - Lite On 52x32x52
DVD - Lite On 4x DvD-RW
HD - Seagate 80 GB (x2)
Questions are :
1. What's good cooling hsf for p4 2.8c? im going to OC to about 3.4
2. What's a good WHITE/BEIGE keyboard with ROUND volume control
3. I want 4 sticks of 512 ram in dual channel to make 2 GB, which brand is best for p4? corsair? ocz? i dont want more than 2 gb.
-TY in advance.