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I'm OCD too and I couldn't live with that. Especially that mess of MOLEX right above the CPU block. Eek.
Your problem has a simple solution. Replace the fans with quiet fans. Problem solved. OR, if you don't want to buy a bunch of fans, buy a quality fan controller and pop it in an optical bay. Run all the fans to it, and control their RPM through it.
One thing you should do though- find a comfortable fan speed for your ears, then run a stress test program for your CPU. There are lots out there. Keep it at 100% load for a few minutes and monitor the temps of the cpu. If it stays reasonably cool, you're good to go, because gaming will never keep your CPU at a sustained 100% load for a long time like that.
Go on Newegg and look at fan controllers. I count 7 fans (probably) on that case so make sure the fan controller can handle at least 7.
If you like Skyrim you may also really enjoy Fallout 3 and New Vegas. They're pretty cheap on Steam these days and both offer you dozens and dozens of hours of open world exploration. Fallout has a distinctive sense of humor to contrast against Skyrim's deadpan straight faced RPG action. And you can freeze time and set your shots up. Neat stuff. Graphics are very poor by today's standards but that doesn't mean they're bad games. Another game you should check out (though you'll likely have to turn some settings down to get decent framerates at 1080P) is the new(ish) Tomb Raider game. It's just called "Tomb Raider". Very good game.
Use your cable holes! Run everything from the PSU behind the motherboard, then run the cables behind the motherboard tray, and back out to the front via the cable hole nearest to the connector you need to access. Run your SATA cables behind the mobo tray via the cable hole to the right of the SATA ports, then move them out to your drives via the blank space behind the drive cage.
Having cleaner cabling and a minimal amount of cable mess in the "main chamber" of your case improves air flow and improves component temperatures. It's worth doing.
Sigh... No.TOCN did you even read this thread? LOL
TOCN did you even read this thread? LOL
Sigh... No.