hey all,
I need some advise/help.
I got a 9800pro for cheap from the local classified. Currently in my asrock (http://www.asrock.com/product/product_k7vt4a+.htm) mobo with a 1.4ghz tbird.
the cpu is the bottleneck, so I want to get a faster one. Budget is tight, so im thinking of getting a 1.8Ghz duron(must be an applebred) and oc it hopefully over2.2gig.
As i understand, this can only be a tbred b, and hoping so cuz applebred runs on 1.5v core and only tbred b could do that at 1.8gig. I dont plan on enable the extra cache, since they dont seem to increase that much performace.
this board is not a Oc friendly (kt400a), but it does have %10 vcore increase, fsb increase increment of 1mhz, jumper setting for 133/166/200fsb, and jumper setting for multiplier up to 24 dont know if these work, unfortunately no pci/agp lock.
now the questions.
- if i to set the fsb jumper my applebred to 166, how would it effect the pci/agp frequency ?
*as i understand it, not sure how to put this but if i have a 133fsb cpu and start to oc starting from there the pci/agp freq would increase quickly and i wouldnt able to oc very far, but a 166fsb cpu at that setting the pci/agp will be at default.
is that right?
- can i do the socket wire trick on this board?
*of coarse i will try the jumpers first, bf the wire trick
- and what does it really means?
*I have an idea that it would make the mobo detect cpu with selected fsb/multi/vcore as default. Just want to make sure.
so if i to wire trick the cpu to 166fsb default, pci/agp freq should be at default right?
- say if i successfully OC to 2.2gig with 1gig RAM would this be a well rounded system?
thanks in advance
I need some advise/help.
I got a 9800pro for cheap from the local classified. Currently in my asrock (http://www.asrock.com/product/product_k7vt4a+.htm) mobo with a 1.4ghz tbird.
the cpu is the bottleneck, so I want to get a faster one. Budget is tight, so im thinking of getting a 1.8Ghz duron(must be an applebred) and oc it hopefully over2.2gig.
As i understand, this can only be a tbred b, and hoping so cuz applebred runs on 1.5v core and only tbred b could do that at 1.8gig. I dont plan on enable the extra cache, since they dont seem to increase that much performace.
this board is not a Oc friendly (kt400a), but it does have %10 vcore increase, fsb increase increment of 1mhz, jumper setting for 133/166/200fsb, and jumper setting for multiplier up to 24 dont know if these work, unfortunately no pci/agp lock.
now the questions.
- if i to set the fsb jumper my applebred to 166, how would it effect the pci/agp frequency ?
*as i understand it, not sure how to put this but if i have a 133fsb cpu and start to oc starting from there the pci/agp freq would increase quickly and i wouldnt able to oc very far, but a 166fsb cpu at that setting the pci/agp will be at default.
is that right?
- can i do the socket wire trick on this board?
*of coarse i will try the jumpers first, bf the wire trick
- and what does it really means?
*I have an idea that it would make the mobo detect cpu with selected fsb/multi/vcore as default. Just want to make sure.
so if i to wire trick the cpu to 166fsb default, pci/agp freq should be at default right?
- say if i successfully OC to 2.2gig with 1gig RAM would this be a well rounded system?
thanks in advance