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NEED HELP OC with crappy mobo !!!!

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Jun 28, 2003
hey all,
I need some advise/help.
I got a 9800pro for cheap from the local classified. Currently in my asrock (http://www.asrock.com/product/product_k7vt4a+.htm) mobo with a 1.4ghz tbird.
the cpu is the bottleneck, so I want to get a faster one. Budget is tight, so im thinking of getting a 1.8Ghz duron(must be an applebred) and oc it hopefully over2.2gig.
As i understand, this can only be a tbred b, and hoping so cuz applebred runs on 1.5v core and only tbred b could do that at 1.8gig. I dont plan on enable the extra cache, since they dont seem to increase that much performace.

this board is not a Oc friendly (kt400a), but it does have %10 vcore increase, fsb increase increment of 1mhz, jumper setting for 133/166/200fsb, and jumper setting for multiplier up to 24 dont know if these work, unfortunately no pci/agp lock.

now the questions.
- if i to set the fsb jumper my applebred to 166, how would it effect the pci/agp frequency ?
*as i understand it, not sure how to put this but if i have a 133fsb cpu and start to oc starting from there the pci/agp freq would increase quickly and i wouldnt able to oc very far, but a 166fsb cpu at that setting the pci/agp will be at default.
is that right?

- can i do the socket wire trick on this board?
*of coarse i will try the jumpers first, bf the wire trick

- and what does it really means?
*I have an idea that it would make the mobo detect cpu with selected fsb/multi/vcore as default. Just want to make sure.
so if i to wire trick the cpu to 166fsb default, pci/agp freq should be at default right?

- say if i successfully OC to 2.2gig with 1gig RAM would this be a well rounded system?

thanks in advance
I'm not sure on all your specs, but I don't think a duron is going to be much of a boost for you. I would recommend getting a mobile barton. The 45 watt 2600 is the best of the bunch, but if money is tight a lower model will provide decent results as well. Once you have 100 posts, you can go to the forums classifieds section and look for used processors as well. There are some great deals on mobiles and other good XP preocessors.
I can get the 2500+ XP-M locally, it would double the price of the duron, but my concern is whether my mobo supports it. The barton is not even in the cpu support list of this mobo. I do believe that it will works, but I want to know for sure before i get it.
anyone else, have a suggestion?
nookuwn said:
I can get the 2500+ XP-M locally, it would double the price of the duron, but my concern is whether my mobo supports it. The barton is not even in the cpu support list of this mobo. I do believe that it will works, but I want to know for sure before i get it.
anyone else, have a suggestion?

It will work in that mobo...

You mentioned being able to set jumpers up to 400fsb? I don't think that's possible with the kt400 via jumper select... it supports ram up to 400 fsb though :)

I'd get the xp-m if I were you... Goodluck buddy :)
i guess i could get the xp-m, but another prob is I only able to up vcore to %10 of 1.45v for the mobile, which is not enough to OC far, so will i be able to wire trick this board to up vcore?