I am starting to smell this (kind of like) burning smell coming from my case...and i took out the processor and it doesnt smell and doesnt have any burns or anything. What else could it be...and how did this come about?
It could be several things...you need to check everything for smell and burn marks...I would say turn your computer on again to see where the smell is coming from, but that would be bad.
Just check everything...vid card, mobo, RAM, sound card, etc. Are you doing any overclocking on it, BTW?
A friend of mine descibed the same exact problem. Two days later the motherboard blew. Both CAPS and mofsets burned and melted.
I would look at and smell the motherboard. Look for leaky CAPS Especially in the upper left hand corner. (That is usually where most the power stuff is located) Just like Tucan SAM (SP?), follow you nose, and you should be able to find it.
The PSU would be my next guess. Is the system itself well ventalated?
If this is an ABIT motherboard, I would like to place my bet on the leaky CAPS square please.
well...i thought it was my psu before...and i replaced that with a 400w...and it still smelled...so i think it is the motherboard....idk...the processor doesnt smell or anything...and i cant imagine it being the vid card....i did overclock the bios a lil...so it probably is the motherboard...idk i am such a nub... .. I am going to buy a new mobo off ebay...and then exchange my mobo that i have now for a new one and sell that on ebay !!! smart idea huh? (its cuz i have a lan soon i dun wanna miss)
I have this exact same board. Sometimes I have smelled something burning in the case and it last maybe about 5 minutes then went away. Nothing has felt. I see no burn marks anywhere just a mysterious smell somewhere. I hate the board though and it is only for backup as of now. Yes nforce2 chipset boards are great. I have done the chipset mod on the board too.
How much are you planning to overclock? Giga-byte doesn't give much headroom in terms of higher multipliers. I have one, though and it's working great for me. I only wish I could increase my multi w/o hardmodding the chip. My default multi is at 13 and the board I have only gives me up to 12.5 multi (otherwise auto/taken from the CPU). I still like my board, though.
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