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need major help from everyone!!!

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Apr 12, 2001
Ontario, Canada
i recently(like 2 hours ago) bought a radeon 32mb sdr pci video card and installed it. Now i on the computer and the screen just keeps powering down, so ir reset and it keep powering down. Now i tried my dads 2mb card on my computer a few days ago and it worked but i tried again yesterday and the same ting happened as it is today. Now i tried another monitor and i also tried installing the radeon on my dads much older computer and it worked fine. My specs are cellery 366, 64mb pc100 sdram, 20gig hd, 16x dvd, 12x8x32x burner and so forth. Pleeeze i really need help in solving this problem since i spent a lot of money on this card. Any ideas no matter what they are are very greatly appreciated
Are you saying that you tried your Dad's card on your system and the same problem occurred, and that you put your card in your Dad's system and it worked fine? And that it worked fine on your system and with your card but with a different monitor? Sounds like you've just isolated the problem to your monitor. Correct me if I've misinterpreted any of this.
yeah i guess i did jumble things up a bit...i tried my dads card on my computer 2wice..once it worked teh second time it didnt..nope it ahsnt worked on my system(the new card) and im hoping someone can help me solve this
No Dennis, I get the same answer here. Card works in Dad's, and with another monitor, but not in his with his monitor.

Mr B
this is kind of ironic since my dads name is dennis so anyways i tried my monitor on my dads computer with the radeon and it worked fine thus (i think) elimintaing the monitor problem
This is definitely a PCI not AGP card?? I was thinking you might have the AGP disabled in the BIOS, but if it's a PCI card, then that wouldn't be it either....

Mr B
Hmm. I really don't think it's your card. Which is good, of course. If it's not the monitor then we're down to other things in your system.

What exactly is it doing? Is the whole system powering down? Do you have power management enabled?
mr b- yep deifnetalely a pci, it even says so on the box.

dennisc- i turn the system on and the monitor, it comes on but goes to the orange(power down mode)... I have Power management/apm disabled....i think since i cant remember..on my manual by default it says it is disabled. There are no beeps or anything when the system starts.
Sorry to keep after you with the questions, but is it the monitor or the system that powers down? I just want to be clear, because this is a toughie.
Have you checked in your BIOS about the power management, or in Control Panel (I assume you're running Win98?)?
How long do you run before it goes down, on the average?
no problem waiting just as long as someone is helping. well im not sure what you mean by monitor or system but ill have to say monitor since its the one thats turning to the orange light. as for running time i cant run it at all so i cant check bios or control panel. This is step by step what i do: i turn the monitor on, then system, then the monitor dot color(the little dot that glows beside the power button on the monitor)turns orange and hitting keys doesnt help. yep im running win98se. i know this is a really tought one. its like the computer just decides it doesnt want to turn on.
I'll take a stab at it...

Your monitor works with a different card correct? Is the cable right? All connections secure on the monitor? o bent pins in the cable?

You tried your new card in another computer correct? It worked? Do the contacts on the card look good? Any loose pieces that shouldn't be? Anything cracked? Not seated properly?

Did you use the same slot on your motherboard for both cards? Have you tried another?

I know my motherboard has a really flaky PCI slot that doesn't want to accept any kind of card in it...

Have you verified that the computer will boot up?

As a final check, you might could remove or disconnect your other peripherals and just have enoough to boot with... video card, ram, processor... just see if it posts...

My disclaimer, If I am wrong, please correct me... I'm just trying to help...

One thing that comes to mind right off hand, and I've seen this is the monitor cannot support the default settings of the card because the OS is pushing the card into a different resolution...

You might could try booting into a safe mode and that might work for you also...
I'll take a stab at it...

Your monitor works with a different card correct? Is the cable right? All connections secure on the monitor? o bent pins in the cable?

You tried your new card in another computer correct? It worked? Do the contacts on the card look good? Any loose pieces that shouldn't be? Anything cracked? Not seated properly?

Did you use the same slot on your motherboard for both cards? Have you tried another?

I know my motherboard has a really flaky PCI slot that doesn't want to accept any kind of card in it...

Have you verified that the computer will boot up?

As a final check, you might could remove or disconnect your other peripherals and just have enoough to boot with... video card, ram, processor... just see if it posts...

My disclaimer, If I am wrong, please correct me... I'm just trying to help...

One thing that comes to mind right off hand, and I've seen this is the monitor cannot support the default settings of the card because the OS is pushing the card into a different resolution...

You might could try booting into a safe mode and that might work for you also...
good stab. well lets see yep all connection are fine. yep it worked with another card. and yes the pins are ok.

the contacts seem fine and all and no pins seem to hang off the card.

well i only have 1 pci slot on my computer(the one that isnt going)so i cant switch anything around. I used to use the pci slot before for months with a nic. The system seems fine and all except this may be a problem the red light i guess the led for the hd is always on whenever i start up my computer. but this has always been like that even when it worked so i dont know.

ill have to try the minimal peripheral thing again since it didnt work the first time.

thankx scorpion for your opinion i love hearing everyones opinion since this is a tricky problem.

sorry cant boot into safe mode if i cant get a display on my monitor...can i?
Aaggh. Memory failure (mine). Is it Ctrl that you hold down while booting to go directly into safe mode? Try that, Alt and Shift (separately) to see if you can get in that way.

I like the forced refresh-rate idea; that sounds quite possible as I think about it.
I thought that it was F8 to get Win98 (or 2K, etc.) to give you the selection menu for different booting methods....
i hit esc & winkey to try to get it to go...i tried the alt-shift and it was a no go. i just got an isa video card from someone so im gonna go and try it out. nope cant go to safe mode since theres no display
I tried... I can only go with what I know I've seen... In my experience, everything sounds right...

Do you still have toe old card to put in, boot up with, and set defaults of like 640X480 256 color?

I'll assume the OS is Win95 or higher...

I know I has an NT 4 machine that would not display because a new video card conflicted with the drivers...

For some reason, it sounds like you're not getting a signal through the slot to the monitor...


Is everything properly enabled in the BIOS for the card? PNP and PCI bus and all that?

I hope you can get another card in and verify everything once it boots up...

Stupid question:

Have you tried messing with the monitor settings? Like resolution and such? I don;t know if you can use the on screen diagnostics at all if there is no signal, or if you even have them... Maybe the monitor itself won't accept the signal from the card...

hmm well im having the same problema s with all 3 cards..the built in one(the original) whisch is a sis5995, the new radeon, or the old isa trident. if its the monitor it must be pretty picky to what it likes. yep i have win98se. yeah thats a good thought, the part about the signal not going through, and thats teh motherboards fault right? i know pnp is enabled, and way sure that the pci bus is enabled. i couldnt mess with resolution or anything scorpion, when i press function nothhing comes up. well iguess ill jsut have to keep booting and reseting, maybe play around inside the system. if that fails(as my last resort) ill have to bring it to summit and shell out money for the repair, or maybe just get a new mobo