Yeah if he just "said" I can do 4.1Ghz with 1.0Volt he never would have been believed by me. Have to be some serious proving of that stuff. There was a time when I was so serious about benching and such not that I would even take a picture apart to see if photochopping had been done. I have not been that serious in a few years now.
Working for the mobo company that I did for 6.5 years, I did a lot of overclocking and benching. Got to the point that I wanted to get there. Get it done now and none of this BS playing aound. Sit down at the rig and in less than 10 hours could know what most of that line of boards and cpus would do except for LN2 which I never fooled with.
I used to push freezing water with a 900 gal per hour pump and even used dryice to cool the water, but no LN2. Had a phase unit I used for a while. So been there and done some of it.
If I was into building one of these rigs I probably would run it like yours at 4.0Ghz and the volts down and the fans on low. Just put a P55 rig together for the wife and facebook and 4 cores and 8 threads at 3.1Ghz is plenty and quiet. Does all my photographic touch-ups and batch renames of 50 photos almost before I can see it done. So it is surely strokes for folks.
I am rambling. Good luck men. RGone...ster.