im a gamer but i dont have the experience nor patience to build a gaming pc (mainly due to physical injuries). i will link craigslist with my area for you guys to tell me which one to get. the max i can spend is $450 and i would have to make my choice last. i'd like to be able to play all of the call of duty's, battlefields, GTA IV, NBA and MLB games from last couple of years, on ultra settings if possible. basically looking to buy a ps3-like PC without having to donate more money to playstation. upgrade-ability is cool but not a must need. graphics & speed is most important. if i can get a better deal without buying another monitor that works. if i could play on my 32" lcd tv without a loss then that is cool too. and to make sure i get the most out of my money, if at any time a new post is created on craigslist and you see a better pc feel free to update your choice.
it must be "local", not "near by".
i thank you for your time in advance.
it must be "local", not "near by".
i thank you for your time in advance.