In hopes of eliminating myself from the equation, this is what I did, in order:
Unplugged the already installed power supply from the wall and grounded myself while handling components.
Installed the CPU, dotted it with a pea sized amount of thermal compound.
Installed the stock CPU cooler and fan, connecting the Fan power to the CPUFAN1 mobo.
Installed the ram in A2 and B2 as specified by the MB.
I secured the MB to the case using preexisting standoffs and 9 screws.
I plugged in the CPU Power 8+4.
I plugged in the ATX Power.
I connected the case audio to the mobo.
I connected the case power, lights, and switches to the mobo.
I connected the case fan to the SYS_FAN1 mobo
I seated the graphics card in the PCI1 slot.
I connected the graphics card power 8+6.
I removed all the removable stickers from the mobo (as intended by the manufacturer).
I connected the SSD to power and SATA.
I connected the DVD to power and SATA.
I inserted the Windows DVD into the DVD player.
I connected the PS to the wall power.
I powered on for the first time.
Bios detected "this is the first time" and opened bios without any prompt from me.
I set the boot sequence to boot from DVD - no other changes - restart.
Booted to windows and installed windows 10 pro without issue.
Restarted into Windows for the first time.
Ran idol for about 5 minutes (if that) and froze.
Left it on for an hour, frozen, hopeful for a BSOD.
Hard reset.
Went into BIOS and turned all fans to max.
Restarted and loaded windows.
Ran idol for about 5 minutes (if that) and froze.
Left it on for an hour, frozen, hopeful for a BSOD.
Hard reset back to windows.
Installed Coretemp and reported temps until frozen again.
Downloaded updated BIOS and all drivers from another PC.
Restarted into BIOS
Updated BIOS.
Restart/Into Windows/Freeze - over and over...
I tried to load the chipset drivers once but it wouldn't stay alive long enough.
Here is a picture of the setup so you can inspect my work as well.
View attachment 206919