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new/old proteins

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Love slave to da man
Sep 6, 2001
Uniontown, PA
hey everyone my 1.4 gig tbird has a wu that is more than 100 frames big, but the frames go by pretty quick less than a minute each.

anybody else get one of these recently?
the name of the protein, for which i am sorry for not posting, is bba5_helix it is 200 frames big, i don't know how much it is worth, probably not very much.

Fold on!!
ther'es also a bba5_hairpin that is 200 frames as well. on my 1.2, when i'm not doing anything else, i'll get through 2 frames a minute. when i'm chatting and surfing its down to 1 a minute. i think someone said they're worth .75 points a piece, which isn't too horrible.

Jeff Bolton said:
ther'es also a bba5_hairpin that is 200 frames as well. on my 1.2, when i'm not doing anything else, i'll get through 2 frames a minute. when i'm chatting and surfing its down to 1 a minute. i think someone said they're worth .75 points a piece, which isn't too horrible.

I think they give the most point per a day out of all the protiens.
601_BBAW_Helix and 602_BBAW_Hairpin are 200 frames long and are worth 0.75 each.

My AMD boxes do the frames anywhere from 23 seconds (XP) to as long as 1 minute per frame for the T-bird, depending on what else I am doing at the time. The Intel boxes do them in around 1.5-2M/frame depending on processor type. They do go quickly, that's for sure.