What would you guys recommend to check SSD read write speed? I just installed a new Corsair gt 90g. I want to make sure its operating at the speed it should.
It depends on what they use for their specs. I just got a Mushkin Cosmos SSD a little while back amd at first I used crystal disk mark to test it and the speeds were way off. When I check with the guys on the Mushkin forums they said they use atto disk utility so I tried that one and it was dead on with the advertised specs.
Thanks now it will boot but it's still not up to speed. It is 300 write 400 read. There was many things I could change to ahci in my bios. One odd thing is windows didn't Recognize anything nor did it load drivers.
Ok another question having both disk using atto as a bench has slowed my write speed bad is there a fix or is it taking both the HDd and ssd into account?
I fixed it by moving the hdd off of the sata 3 port. I also solved the removable disk issue. It was a bios setting I thought I needed to enable on my board for hotswap.
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