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New Tbred w/ DLT3C?

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Yep I know Captain. I meant the cpu mod.

I need New mobo , ram, and vc. And to thin it was just last May I bought these components.
waver123 said:
take a look at excaliberpc they've so many 1.5v 1700+ now


and they made a big red bold letters saying it's a DLT3C and not a DUT3C, what's the difference I don't quite remember :D

I was just about to post that :)

Seems like I always order at the wrong time! Just missed out on these by two days, and missed out on the original JIUHB 1700+ chips by about three days (had a JIUCB). Still, I'm gonna be happy with my new chip even if everyone else's is a touch faster :D
waver123 said:

and they made a big red bold letters saying it's a DLT3C and not a DUT3C, what's the difference I don't quite remember :D

L means 1.5 default voltage U means 1.6
jonspd said:

L means 1.5 default voltage U means 1.6

ah ok thanks. The thing is what they said on the web page

Model # AXDA1700DLT3C
(please pay attention to the exact stepping code, we will not be reponsible if you misundertood it as DUT3C one)

they made it sounds like DUT3C is preferable to DLT3C??
Emericana said:
dropadrop thats crazy i bet if you kept it at stock you could run it at 1.1v Passive cooled!

I popped in my other cpu today, and I'll be seing if it can run as low as the first one. I'm going to test the better one to see how low voltage it can run on with default speeds, and yes, I'm hoping for 1.1v!

I had a pretty funny thing happen today in the morning while changing cpu's. I forgot to put the fan on, and just started up the computer with the new cpu on. I have this old ****ty cooljag heatsink... I had the same settings as yesterday, and it booted up fine. I started prime and it gave an error right away. I figured it would be because the as had not settled in yet, and went to bios to add a bit of voltage. I re-booted, and started prime again. After a little while the mobo started to warn about heating up... I shut it down, and scratched my head for a while untill I noticed the fan was not on!

Pretty cool to be able to run at 1.8ghz with a ****ty heatsink passivly cooled...

Anyway, the moral of the story is, that the first thing you should ever do when going into bios, is setting a temperature alarm. :D
ok, someone told me that the 1700+ running at 2.5Ghz will last like a month before it starts wearing out!?! is this true!?! and he also said that at 2.5GHz it will not perform as well as a 2100+ @ 2.5GHz, how big a difference will i notice?
dreammmatt said:
and he also said that at 2.5GHz it will not perform as well as a 2100+ @ 2.5GHz, how big a difference will i notice?

Hahaha, whoever told you that is full of bullsh--- I mean, bulllloney...
Been playin w/ a DUT3C JIUGB 0251 for a while now. Didn't expect this thing to OC much at all but it did quite allright..but only at >2.1V :D

w/ +30C watercooling and 2.2V I could just reach 2.4GHz SuperPi stable.. 2.1V => 2370MHz.

Yesterday I decided try it using my R404 vaporphasecooler (been using this mainly for P4 cooling and wasn't even sure if it would fit to socket A properly). Got it up to 2.65GHz 2.15V Vcore:

(click for full screenshot)
It also ran PiFast 3.3 1M test at 2663MHz

Would be interesting to test one of those excellent DLT3C CPUs w/ this cooler :)
Top Hat Theater said:
I'm curious as well. What's preferred, L or U? I'm considering buying the JIUHB:0308XPMW as an XPMW chip gave JCViggen an insane OC. However, is this a good or bad week?

Good (or tough) luck!

All the XPMW are gone now.
it seems to me that 2.5ghz is the most you can the most out of this chip with air cooling.
I've yet to find chip that can reach 2.6ghz on air :(
So far I've found 3 chip that can run 2.5ghz @ 1.85-1.9V on air. But I bet I can not run them @ 2.5ghz when summer time come :(
Well actually, there are a bunch of AMD chips, the 2700/2800tbred and a few lucky 2100's that can do 2.5ghz on air cooling, you just need SLK's and Tornados :D

having a amd chip that can do that with a 30CFM 80mm fan is amazing heh
My 0307 xp1700+ runs at 2.4ghz, with less then 1.7v, but my old cooljag heatsink, and 60mm papst fan are not really up for the job. It goes through prime95 without errors, but them temps go over 70, and it just feels like pushing too far. I'm going to try with a delta fan I have, though I think it's really the heatsink that's holding me back. I'll be getting watercooling in a week or so, and don't really want to burn it before that.

I have two of the same stepping processors, but the other one allways requires 0.5v more to match the better. I'm still hoping to be able to run the two at 17*150 which is the maximum on my dual once I get the watercooling.