- Joined
- Jul 17, 2003
The new year is upon us and time to think about what goals we may want to set for ourselves. Maybe your goal is to be #1 in the world. #1 for the team. #10, 100. Top producer for a day/week/month. Maybe you just want to beat don256us or pass the guy above you. Maybe your goal is to sustane current production. You goals could be lofty or more modest. Whatever you see as a goal, lets set it and forget it. No wait. Don't forget it. Set it and accomplish it. That's better.
To start the conversation, My goal is to get all of my GPUs back up and running for a full year. Every time I get things going, I have a massive failure and am down for months at a time. I'm getting close to having everything back up but I got to finish it up. Then my goal is to produce as much as I can to raise my rank as high as I can. I'd try to call out WhitehawEQ on production but he's way to far up the chain for me now. WOOT! I'd like to do 20 million ppd if I can swing it. @JrClocker , I'm coming after the #10 slot. I also would like to give notice to my firends superducky, P4EE, orion and even torin3 and dfonda. I'm coming for ya.
Now historically, when I make these challenges, the challengees tend to make me eat dust. But not this year. (As I've said every other year.) I coming for ya for sure.

That's the fun part of folding. Find a guy, give 'em a shout out then let 'em have it. Make it a race. You could race to the next milestone for example. Find someone close to you in total points and production and see who can reach the next milestone.
Team stats:
We are trending up with some fairly large swings up and down. The trend line is good though.
We are currently folding with 47 active members. Up three from a week ago. That's good.
Ave ppd for active folders is over 6.3 million ppd. That's really good.
We are putting the hurt on three teams to include Nvidia, PCMP and PC Games Hardware.
There are three teams putting a hurt on us to include Alliance Francophone, Element AI and Anadtech.
On the team level:
We have 26 members earning 1 million ppd or more. This is great.
Top 7 are earning 10 million ppd or more.
Top 3 are earning 40 million ppd or more. wait... 40 million? Yep. We have three guys each earning more than 40 million ppd.
WhitehawkEq over 40.
Holodini over 50 million.
HayeK over 60 million. Holy cow man!
On the individual level:
hrsetrdr has eanred 700 million.
modd has earned 500 million.
Earthdog has earned 300 million.
Lowryder has earned 200 million.
All great milestones and well earned. Thank you.
OK. Time for reading about folding is done. Time to fold. I'll be working on taking some of you down in the stats so look out. Watch your 6 'cause I'm gunnin' for ya if you're ahead of me.
Remember, it's not how much you fold but *if* you fold and if you fold, then you're my friend. Unless you're ahead of me... naw. You're my friend. I'm still gonna try to catch ya.
To start the conversation, My goal is to get all of my GPUs back up and running for a full year. Every time I get things going, I have a massive failure and am down for months at a time. I'm getting close to having everything back up but I got to finish it up. Then my goal is to produce as much as I can to raise my rank as high as I can. I'd try to call out WhitehawEQ on production but he's way to far up the chain for me now. WOOT! I'd like to do 20 million ppd if I can swing it. @JrClocker , I'm coming after the #10 slot. I also would like to give notice to my firends superducky, P4EE, orion and even torin3 and dfonda. I'm coming for ya.
Now historically, when I make these challenges, the challengees tend to make me eat dust. But not this year. (As I've said every other year.) I coming for ya for sure.

That's the fun part of folding. Find a guy, give 'em a shout out then let 'em have it. Make it a race. You could race to the next milestone for example. Find someone close to you in total points and production and see who can reach the next milestone.

Team stats:
We are trending up with some fairly large swings up and down. The trend line is good though.
We are currently folding with 47 active members. Up three from a week ago. That's good.
Ave ppd for active folders is over 6.3 million ppd. That's really good.
We are putting the hurt on three teams to include Nvidia, PCMP and PC Games Hardware.
There are three teams putting a hurt on us to include Alliance Francophone, Element AI and Anadtech.
On the team level:
We have 26 members earning 1 million ppd or more. This is great.
Top 7 are earning 10 million ppd or more.
Top 3 are earning 40 million ppd or more. wait... 40 million? Yep. We have three guys each earning more than 40 million ppd.
WhitehawkEq over 40.
Holodini over 50 million.
HayeK over 60 million. Holy cow man!
On the individual level:
hrsetrdr has eanred 700 million.
modd has earned 500 million.
Earthdog has earned 300 million.
Lowryder has earned 200 million.
All great milestones and well earned. Thank you.
OK. Time for reading about folding is done. Time to fold. I'll be working on taking some of you down in the stats so look out. Watch your 6 'cause I'm gunnin' for ya if you're ahead of me.
Remember, it's not how much you fold but *if* you fold and if you fold, then you're my friend. Unless you're ahead of me... naw. You're my friend. I'm still gonna try to catch ya.