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newegg's soltek motherboard listing

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Dec 4, 2001
I can't see any difference between the $105 nforce2 soltek motherboard at the bottom of newegg's soltek listing and the $95 nforce2 motherboard three spots above. Can anyone help out?
the $95 dollar one has serial ata raid and an extra ide port to add an ide harddrive to the raid too. i dont know why it is less and has more features.
It's because everyone is buying the Non-SATA Raid version and driving the demand up (it's the board all the websites are reviewing). The one with raid overclocks and performs just as well as the other, and I oughta know..
Save yourself 10 dollars, get some extra features, and overclock your heart out.
I assume my non-serial ata 100 hard drive will work just as well with the sata board?
From what I've seen so far, 200fsb right out of the box is no problem for either of these, and the non-sata is the one most sites are reviewing.

The FRN2-RL has 3 IDE slots, so it will work fine.
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Can this really be a good OCing board? Is there an unadvertised volt mod somewhere? seems pointless to let the fsb go so high, then BIOS won't let you tweak voltages.
1.85 is the highest voltage one is allowed to overclock the CPU, which is probably the only downside to this board. I wouldn't go any higher than 1.85v anyway, as it starts to dramatically shorten the life of the CPU (unless water cooling is involved).
Haven't heard of a volt mod, but wouldn't surprise me to see one show up one day.