most nonconductive shims are not made of copper. They are made of something weird. They only affects temps at most by one degree, but even out the way a heatsink sits on the core, and greatly reduce the chances of cracking it. The prob with most nonconditve shims is that they are slightly compressible, but this is not a huge deal at all. For $10, it is a very good insurance policy. I use ones on my celey and my Duron, and I have no trouble using a fop38 with it. I would get at least a FOP 32-1 for that CPU, if not something better. If you want the best hsf, get the Swiftech 462-A which is $80. The Millenium Glaciator is excellent for $40. A ThermoEngine is less risky hsf using a clip because its much lighter and gives excellent numbers for $35 assuming you use a delta. But no orbs, they are not that good, especially for a hsf that large, and Volcano II will do, but not for overclocking that puppy.