i'm new in overclocking and at this point i just would like to "mildly" overclock my system ... not looking for extremes
I was thinking of using that Easy Tune6 utility which was in Gigabytes disk but didn't get that working at all (windows 7 64-bit), dowdloaded the latest version from Gigabytes homepage but same thing ... not working, some error message related some driver.
Anyways i'm looking for BULLET-PROOF settings for ~3.6 GHZ or similar that i don't need to "worry" about stability at any point. Just settings for DUMMY ... also memory settings, don't really know what latencies i should use. Memory Cas latency = 7-7-7-18-2N, but in BIOS it says 8-8-8... something when settings in AUTO, should i change those latencies or what???
i'm new in overclocking and at this point i just would like to "mildly" overclock my system ... not looking for extremes
I was thinking of using that Easy Tune6 utility which was in Gigabytes disk but didn't get that working at all (windows 7 64-bit), dowdloaded the latest version from Gigabytes homepage but same thing ... not working, some error message related some driver.
Anyways i'm looking for BULLET-PROOF settings for ~3.6 GHZ or similar that i don't need to "worry" about stability at any point. Just settings for DUMMY ... also memory settings, don't really know what latencies i should use. Memory Cas latency = 7-7-7-18-2N, but in BIOS it says 8-8-8... something when settings in AUTO, should i change those latencies or what???