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NOOO my comp crasheD!

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Mar 29, 2003
My 2.325ghz@166fsb crahsed :( i had folding running for along time over 12hours off and on when i wasn't playing games, and i went to bed woke up and it crashed i think...unless my sis turned it off, i can't ask her tho, but if so that sucks :( anyways i'm designing 26/30 protein, is this good? and where do i check to see my point standings or wutever.
Well you'll need the name of the protien. It'll say which one you're working on regardless of which client you're using (text or graphical). Here's the page for what protiens are worth: http://folding.stanford.edu/psummary.html

As for your crashing, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Most of the time the client will just pick up where it left off. However Gromacs WUs seem to be esspecially sensitive to crashes. You may lose the WU if you crash too much.

thanx guys BTW this protein is taking forever!

LMAO at the sister part, well i was sleeping in the other room cuss my fans are pretty loud on my comp and wanted quite for a change, plus my room was hot from my comp, so i slept in my bedroom, so she may have noticed my comp running and turned it off, not 100% sure if she did or not, will see when she comes home.