normal, what in the world is normal??? We don't know what normal means here . If you are below 45C, preferably 35-37, you are fine and your cpu is fine.
BTW, post stuff like this in the appropriate forum. In this case, it would be amd cpu's
*modify* err, where does this go, i would have thought amd cpus, cooling works too i guess, anyways, either one is better to get good replies than the "General Discussion" Forum/Topic.
If you'll have a look around, you're sure to find we have a section on cooling. Your question may be better addressed there, as well as receive more responses.
The "normal" always depends on the voltage you are using, and the overclock.
You see my system below..I can tell you, that my CPU runs 38 degrees under load and my Mobo temp is 26 degrees..That´s fine for me
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