I hate to say it, but it looks like you need to do some more homework before asking all these questions.
You need to go to some sites that are dealing with these issues and start doing some searches and reading articles on how to do some of these questions your asking.
Some good sites to get you started are here
there are many others but these are as good as place as any to start doing your reseach.
After you get a hold of the basics (for example, what a heat sink is) and start implementing some of these things, you will then, most likely, run in to some real questions that some of us may be able to help you with.
Until then, yeah we all want the quick and easy way, but sometimes you need to do a little research. You will find it gets you a lot farther then begging for some one to take you through it step by step. You also learn a lot more that way too!
Good luck in your overclocking endevers, and let us know if there is some things that you run into that you need some clearification or suggestions on.