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*** OCF "Independence Day" Folding Contest ***

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Senior Fold-a-holic
Sep 22, 2004
Team 32 presents
the OCF "Independence Day" Folding Contest

Winner: JackNSally

The Prize

Intel Q6600 G0

SLACR - L804B195


This contest is being sponsored by our friend and teammate dfonda, Folding as dfonda_Team32. I'd like to thank him for being so generous and supplying our prize. The winner will be shipped the processor free of charge if they reside in either the Continental US or Canada. If the winner is outside those areas they will be responsible for the shipping charge. Import duties, brokerage fees, handling fees, taxes, etc. are the responsibility of the winner.

Final Numbers

Folding ID                             Point Total      Final Entries
8thDeadlySyn                           13325            134
Accretion                              5268             25
aja_bithkits                           20180            126
AlabamaCajun                           58028            48
Albaholic                              18347            69
ArmoredGuns                            149672           334
ArmyOfOne                              416              2
Arthur_Liberman                        38720            21
audioaficionado                        125411           164
Bayna                                  977071           1214
bean7                                  12904            77
belorsch                               129894           246
benbaked                               51047            178
Blake_Henry                            70826            206
bobletman                              6549             10
Bromsin(www.overclockers.com)          12450            27
buhammot                               1920             1
ChasR                                  2867607          3085
CJ5                                    48678            263
cjswope                                362693           3622
Clint                                  83781            136
Cluster007                             223352           721
Cowboy_X(www.overclockers.com)         1632             8
cshive5                                505679           912
CyboRob                                183507           238
Dale407                                689              5
Dark_Bishop                            4011             41
Darur                                  3917             40
DeNitro                                133046           1182
Diddyu                                 2858             21
don256us                               12738            127
Douken                                 3                0
DrewAtPSU                              4508             46
droz83                                 3188             13
dwschoon                               153383           100
EchoTheDolphin                         936              10
Evilsizer                              39676            207
extrasalty                             30627            137
fhanderson                             329052           175
fltgoon                                3748             22
gangaskan                              12772            7
Gary_aka_LandShark                     944841           958
gibletzor                              56198            355
gimpster123                            2684             27
golfingtigger                          119204           633
golfking222                            9411             62
grunjee                                222193           489
gsrcrxsi                               62944            45
gulp35                                 119976           309
Gunlance                               25375            18
Hack30                                 56815            85
Hammer                                 4443             45
hank123                                129552           790
hardass                                176158           346
HDCHOPPER                              31536            116
hrsetrdr                               590895           353
Ichelo351                              114341           884
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]JackNSally                             107359           1074[/COLOR]
JDXNC                                  87559            199
jerseytomato                           457985           356
JetEngineMech                          2031             21
JollySwagman                           41226            55
jonniefive79                           28777            52
jonspd                                 203895           293
JonT                                   5512             17
khiloa                                 18933            108
klear                                  343518           2241
Kluvwen                                192              2
KosAMD                                 9368             45
Kowalski3500                           3135             32
krimson                                1676             5
l33t_p1mp                              1548             14
Lancelot                               7074             71
Larcen                                 1560             16
linnaeus                               19133            107
marineman                              1263             13
Mark620                                193890           500
mattd30191                             60045            219
mattmorgan74                           95824            86
McTimson                               59710            126
metloaf                                101544           134
mmmlinux                               39044            51
modd                                   5405             55
MoltenVball                            13190            50
Monolith                               20311            94
Mooyo                                  7638             77
Mustanley                              352184           2690
NightRyder                             109512           545
Nimblor                                19804            173
NoWhereM                               128112           528
nspattak                               1642             17
nwshc                                  60091            286
OC3d                                   102742           408
OC-Rev.com                             36105            269
Oldskool                               54024            366
orion456                               590380           946
P4EE                                   277781           587
pejsaboy                               26784            14
Petes222                               70968            199
philclarke2k                           903              4
PorPorMe                               383              4
pRon                                   11276            58
RacerX29                               36508            366
Rav                                    90980            48
RickShelton                            100259           439
Rilian                                 91073            169
rpkole                                 30180            302
russinhacker                           5322             43
Sam__                                  6170             62
Sarsbaby                               2045             3
satandole666                           7256             44
saxile                                 34835            174
SF101                                  12442            53
Shadowman2oo7_Team_32                  48250            128
Shelnutt2                              28236            17
ShiggityOCF                            129393           445
silent_bob                             84767            245
simcom_se                              46975            82
smiffy                                 99714            902
sno.lcn                                5083             51
snowmobile74                           5414             32
steve75382                             3770             31
Surfasb                                113367           128
Tarx32                                 80566            415
TCain22                                544              4
Todd1677                               292              1
TommyHolly                             149396           437
Torin3                                 573634           1042
Triple_Ace                             52121            243
TunedFish                              52281            338
U_D13_N0W                              25189            198
veryhumid                              125608           439
WarriorIII                             124118           230
werty316                               114415           344
XPC_SniperXX                           25922            152
xsuperbgx                              61888            143
xTKxhom3r                              22061            118
Yakbak                                 17926            100
Yamurli                                6480             65
yog1974                                32801            108
zbo                                    1442             4
ZigsPalffy                             31704            70

Current Numbers (as of 7-06-08 12:00am PDT)

Folding ID                              Points                Work Units            Avg. Points per WU
8thDeadlySyn                            13325.00              178.00                74.90                 
Accretion                               5268.00               25.00                 210.70                
ahsalloum                               0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
aja_bithkits                            20180.00              126.00                160.20                
AlabamaCajun                            58028.00              48.00                 1208.90               
Albaholic                               18347.00              69.00                 265.90                
ArmoredGuns                             149672.00             334.00                448.10                
ArmyOfOne                               416.00                2.00                  208.00                
Arthur_Liberman                         38720.00              21.00                 1843.80               
audioaficionado                         125411.00             164.00                764.70                
Bayna                                   977071.00             1214.00               804.80                
bean7                                   12904.00              77.00                 167.60                
belorsch                                129894.00             246.00                528.00                
benbaked                                51047.00              178.00                286.80                
Blake_Henry                             70826.00              206.00                343.80                
blunted08                               0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
bobletman                               6549.00               10.00                 654.90                
Bromsin(www.overclockers.com)           12450.00              27.00                 461.10                
buhammot                                1920.00               1.00                  1920.00               
ChasR                                   2867607.00            3085.00               929.50                
CJ5                                     48678.00              324.00                150.20                
cjswope                                 362693.00             3622.00               100.10                
Clint                                   83781.00              136.00                616.00                
Cluster007                              223352.00             721.00                309.80                
Cowboy_X(www.overclockers.com)          1632.00               8.00                  204.00                
cshive5                                 505679.00             912.00                554.50                
CyboRob                                 183507.00             238.00                771.00                
d0dru65                                 0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
Dale407                                 689.00                5.00                  137.80                
Dark_Bishop                             4011.00               1691.00               2.40                  
Darur                                   3917.00               42.00                 93.30                 
DeNitro                                 133046.00             1182.00               112.60                
Diddyu                                  2858.00               21.00                 136.10                
don256us                                12738.00              127.00                100.30                
Douken                                  3.00                  1.00                  3.00                  
DrewAtPSU                               4508.00               48.00                 93.90                 
droz83                                  3188.00               13.00                 245.20                
dwschoon                                153383.00             100.00                1533.80               
EchoTheDolphin                          936.00                11.00                 85.10                 
Evilsizer                               39676.00              207.00                191.70                
extrasalty                              30627.00              137.00                223.60                
fhanderson                              329052.00             175.00                1880.30               
fltgoon                                 3748.00               22.00                 170.40                
gangaskan                               12772.00              7.00                  1824.60               
Gary_aka_LandShark                      944841.00             958.00                986.30                
gibletzor                               56198.00              355.00                158.30                
gimpster123                             2684.00               32.00                 83.90                 
golfingtigger                           119204.00             633.00                188.30                
golfking222                             9411.00               62.00                 151.80                
grunjee                                 222193.00             489.00                454.40                
gsrcrxsi                                62944.00              45.00                 1398.80               
gulp35                                  119976.00             309.00                388.30                
Gunlance                                25375.00              18.00                 1409.70               
Hack30                                  56815.00              85.00                 668.40                
Hammer                                  4443.00               51.00                 87.10                 
hank123                                 129552.00             790.00                164.00                
hardass                                 176158.00             346.00                509.10                
HDCHOPPER                               31536.00              116.00                271.90                
hrsetrdr                                590895.00             353.00                1673.90               
Ichelo351                               114341.00             884.00                129.30                
JackNSally                              107359.00             1110.00               96.70                 
JDXNC                                   87559.00              199.00                440.00                
jerseytomato                            457985.00             356.00                1286.50               
JetEngineMech                           2031.00               36.00                 56.40                 
jmsanders2                              0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
johnnylaw56                             0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
JollySwagman                            41226.00              55.00                 749.60                
jonniefive79                            28777.00              52.00                 553.40                
jonspd                                  203895.00             293.00                695.90                
JonT                                    5512.00               17.00                 324.20                
Karbonize                               0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
keviinmc                                0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
khiloa                                  18933.00              108.00                175.30                
klear                                   343518.00             2241.00               153.30                
Kluvwen                                 192.00                5.00                  38.40                 
KosAMD                                  9368.00               45.00                 208.20                
Kowalski3500                            3135.00               38.00                 82.50                 
krimson                                 1676.00               5.00                  335.20                
l33t_p1mp                               1548.00               14.00                 110.60                
Lancelot                                7074.00               86.00                 82.30                 
Larcen                                  1560.00               29.00                 53.80                 
linnaeus                                19133.00              107.00                178.80                
marineman                               1263.00               13.00                 97.20                 
Mark620                                 193890.00             500.00                387.80                
mattd30191                              60045.00              219.00                274.20                
mattmorgan74                            95824.00              86.00                 1114.20               
McTimson                                59710.00              126.00                473.90                
metloaf                                 101544.00             955.00                106.30                
mmmlinux                                39044.00              51.00                 765.60                
modd                                    5405.00               64.00                 84.50                 
MoltenVball                             13190.00              50.00                 263.80                
Monolith                                20311.00              94.00                 216.10                
Mooyo                                   7638.00               108.00                70.70                 
Mustanley                               352184.00             2690.00               130.90                
myststix                                0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
NightRyder                              109512.00             545.00                200.90                
Nimblor                                 19804.00              173.00                114.50                
NoWhereM                                128112.00             552.00                232.10                
nspattak                                1642.00               17.00                 96.60                 
nwshc                                   60091.00              286.00                210.10                
OC3d                                    102742.00             408.00                251.80                
OC-Rev.com                              36105.00              269.00                134.20                
Oldskool                                54024.00              366.00                147.60                
onguardtech                             0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
orion456                                590380.00             946.00                624.10                
P4EE                                    277781.00             587.00                473.20                
pejsaboy                                26784.00              14.00                 1913.10               
Petes222                                70968.00              199.00                356.60                
philclarke2k                            903.00                4.00                  225.80                
PorPorMe                                383.00                4.00                  95.80                 
pRon                                    11276.00              58.00                 194.40                
RacerX29                                36508.00              468.00                78.00                 
Rav                                     90980.00              48.00                 1895.40               
RickShelton                             100259.00             439.00                228.40                
Rilian                                  91073.00              169.00                538.90                
rpkole                                  30180.00              345.00                87.50                 
russinhacker                            5322.00               43.00                 123.80                
Sam__                                   6170.00               86.00                 71.70                 
Sarsbaby                                2045.00               3.00                  681.70                
satandole666                            7256.00               44.00                 164.90                
saxile                                  34835.00              174.00                200.20                
Seven                                   0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
SF101                                   12442.00              53.00                 234.80                
Shadowman2oo7_Team_32                   48250.00              128.00                377.00                
Shelnutt2                               28236.00              17.00                 1660.90               
ShiggityOCF                             129393.00             445.00                290.80                
silent_bob                              84767.00              245.00                346.00                
simcom_se                               46975.00              82.00                 572.90                
Slmhofy                                 0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
smiffy                                  99714.00              902.00                110.50                
sno.lcn                                 5083.00               58.00                 87.60                 
snowmobile74                            5414.00               32.00                 169.20                
steve75382                              3770.00               31.00                 121.60                
Surfasb                                 113367.00             128.00                885.70                
System48                                0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
Tarx32                                  80566.00              415.00                194.10                
TCain22                                 544.00                4.00                  136.00                
TedKord                                 0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
Todd1677                                292.00                1.00                  292.00                
TommyHolly                              149396.00             437.00                341.90                
Torin3                                  573634.00             3248.00               176.60                
Triple_Ace                              52121.00              243.00                214.50                
TunedFish                               52281.00              338.00                154.70                
U_D13_N0W                               25189.00              198.00                127.20                
Varnel                                  0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
veryhumid                               125608.00             439.00                286.10                
WarriorIII                              124118.00             230.00                539.60                
werty316                                114415.00             344.00                332.60                
wolfy1220                               0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
WonderingSoul                           0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
XPC_SniperXX                            25922.00              152.00                170.50                
xsuperbgx                               61888.00              143.00                432.80                
xTKxhom3r                               22061.00              118.00                187.00                
Yakbak                                  17926.00              100.00                179.30                
Yamurli                                 6480.00               115.00                56.30                 
yog1974                                 32801.00              108.00                303.70                
Yoyo1948                                0.00                  0.00                  0.00                  
zbo                                     1442.00               4.00                  360.50                
ZigsPalffy                              31704.00              70.00                 452.90

WU Adjustments

  • Metloaf - deduct: 821 WUs
  • CJ5 - deduct: 61 WUs
  • Torin3 - deduct: 2206 WUs
  • Dark_Bishop - deduct: 1635 WUs
  • NoWhereM - deduct: 24 WUs

Starting Numbers

Folding ID                              Points                Work Units            Team
8thDeadlySyn                            447833.00             1998.00               32         
Accretion                               5250.00               25.00                 32         
ahsalloum                               0.00                  0.00                  32         
aja_bithkits                            64088.00              145.00                32         
AlabamaCajun                            2321665.00            3752.00               32         
Albaholic                               164330.00             956.00                32         
ArmoredGuns                             45042.00              37.00                 32         
ArmyOfOne                               0.00                  0.00                  32         
Arthur_Liberman                         414555.00             2910.00               32         
audioaficionado                         2335552.00            7246.00               32         
Bayna                                   6452958.00            13448.00              32         
bean7                                   0.00                  0.00                  32         
belorsch                                1476283.00            12089.00              32         
benbaked                                1713062.00            3535.00               32         
Blake_Henry                             13763.00              27.00                 32         
blunted08                               0.00                  0.00                  32         
bobletman                               0.00                  0.00                  32         
Bromsin(www.overclockers.com)           124509.00             979.00                32         
buhammot                                680.00                2.00                  32         
ChasR                                   34500389.00           61132.00              32         
CJ5                                     2904473.00            4974.00               32         
cjswope                                 1055001.00            4618.00               32         
Clint                                   963642.00             4841.00               32         
Cluster007                              1984809.00            6094.00               32         
Cowboy_X(www.overclockers.com)          92530.00              989.00                32         
cshive5                                 4691682.00            13110.00              32         
CyboRob                                 1524933.00            10080.00              32         
d0dru65                                 0.00                  0.00                  32         
Dale407                                 4135.00               5.00                  32         
Dark_Bishop                             100.00                7.00                  32         
Darur                                   72543.00              356.00                32         
DeNitro                                 12245.00              89.00                 32         
Diddyu                                  22111.00              64.00                 32         
don256us                                293548.00             2222.00               32         
Douken                                  1719.00               24.00                 32         
DrewAtPSU                               31474.00              172.00                32         
droz83                                  0.00                  0.00                  32         
dwschoon                                843123.00             2414.00               32         
EchoTheDolphin                          13400.00              90.00                 32         
Evilsizer                               234117.00             1204.00               32         
extrasalty                              0.00                  0.00                  32         
fhanderson                              6225340.00            9133.00               32         
fltgoon                                 252767.00             11080.00              32         
gangaskan                               91077.00              63.00                 32         
Gary_aka_LandShark                      19070265.00           36630.00              32         
gibletzor                               62033.00              350.00                32         
gimpster123                             297.00                4.00                  32         
golfingtigger                           1314139.00            4424.00               32         
golfking222                             2299.00               6.00                  32         
grunjee                                 2223304.00            7608.00               32         
gsrcrxsi                                207521.00             219.00                32         
gulp35                                  6633903.00            38404.00              32         
Gunlance                                723029.00             699.00                32         
Hack30                                  3192411.00            3909.00               32         
Hammer                                  48880.00              189.00                32         
hank123                                 172229.00             209.00                32         
hardass                                 270015.00             658.00                32         
HDCHOPPER                               27225.00              40.00                 32         
hrsetrdr                                8013089.00            12968.00              32         
Ichelo351                               895048.00             7283.00               32         
JackNSally                              828948.00             6112.00               32         
JDXNC                                   1316754.00            8517.00               32         
jerseytomato                            6077843.00            7900.00               32         
JetEngineMech                           143655.00             703.00                32         
jmsanders2                              188924.00             107.00                32         
johnnylaw56                             0.00                  0.00                  32         
JollySwagman                            94795.00              141.00                32         
jonniefive79                            66725.00              63.00                 32         
jonspd                                  1129947.00            4602.00               32         
JonT                                    82103.00              1242.00               32         
Karbonize                               534.00                3.00                  32         
keviinmc                                0.00                  0.00                  32         
khiloa                                  106715.00             472.00                32         
klear                                   1577054.00            9914.00               32         
Kluvwen                                 1542.00               13.00                 32         
KosAMD                                  70588.00              405.00                32         
Kowalski3500                            94884.00              586.00                32         
krimson                                 1237.00               5.00                  32         
l33t_p1mp                               5805.00               71.00                 32         
Lancelot                                242358.00             1297.00               32         
Larcen                                  2070.00               11.00                 32         
linnaeus                                7299.00               40.00                 32         
marineman                               43517.00              84.00                 32         
Mark620                                 4984033.00            17675.00              32         
mattd30191                              0.00                  0.00                  32         
mattmorgan74                            180891.00             160.00                32         
McTimson                                472220.00             1838.00               32         
metloaf                                 126718.00             1479.00               32         
mmmlinux                                208235.00             142.00                32         
modd                                    1557.00               9.00                  32         
MoltenVball                             172214.00             334.00                32         
Monolith                                6250.00               38.00                 32         
Mooyo                                   58742.00              369.00                32         
Mustanley                               12708710.00           78509.00              32         
myststix                                265.00                2.00                  32         
NightRyder                              19525.00              26.00                 32         
Nimblor                                 574338.00             3175.00               32         
NoWhereM                                21141.00              30.00                 32         
nspattak                                262.00                5.00                  32         
nwshc                                   234.00                1.00                  32         
OC3d                                    1771309.00            46803.00              32         
OC-Rev.com                              865668.00             3724.00               32         
Oldskool                                8240.00               65.00                 32         
onguardtech                             0.00                  0.00                  32         
orion456                                6642215.00            11585.00              32         
P4EE                                    3328992.00            4515.00               32         
pejsaboy                                79034.00              45.00                 32         
Petes222                                18720.00              10.00                 32         
philclarke2k                            68827.00              401.00                32         
PorPorMe                                750.00                9.00                  32         
pRon                                    148099.00             645.00                32         
RacerX29                                711.00                36.00                 32         
Rav                                     2469751.00            14220.00              32         
RickShelton                             4557.00               904.00                32         
Rilian                                  79244.00              433.00                32         
rpkole                                  1359098.00            6152.00               32         
russinhacker                            56.00                 4.00                  32         
Sam__                                   42878.00              283.00                32         
Sarsbaby                                22016.00              86.00                 32         
satandole666                            198355.00             828.00                32         
saxile                                  16479.00              103.00                32         
Seven                                   492057.00             4630.00               32         
SF101                                   37491.00              83.00                 32         
Shadowman2oo7_Team_32                   98765.00              82.00                 32         
Shelnutt2                               657271.00             1121.00               32         
ShiggityOCF                             156957.00             327.00                32         
silent_bob                              692054.00             5769.00               32         
simcom_se                               28397.00              118.00                32         
Slmhofy                                 8625.00               63.00                 32         
smiffy                                  0.00                  0.00                  32         
sno.lcn                                 960709.00             2723.00               32         
snowmobile74                            12781.00              438.00                32         
steve75382                              1781.00               7.00                  32         
Surfasb                                 343908.00             432.00                32         
System48                                0.00                  0.00                  32         
Tarx32                                  23569.00              170.00                32         
TCain22                                 0.00                  0.00                  32         
TedKord                                 77.00                 1.00                  32         
Todd1677                                309.00                2.00                  32         
TommyHolly                              1453392.00            8401.00               32         
Torin3                                  1468902.00            960.00                32         
Triple_Ace                              407481.00             1659.00               32         
TunedFish                               15.00                 1.00                  32         
U_D13_N0W                               47315.00              281.00                32         
Varnel                                  78491.00              141.00                32         
veryhumid                               1886427.00            5538.00               32         
WarriorIII                              1196529.00            2044.00               32         
werty316                                40290.00              251.00                32         
wolfy1220                               0.00                  0.00                  32         
WonderingSoul                           0.00                  0.00                  32         
XPC_SniperXX                            73947.00              385.00                32         
xsuperbgx                               800451.00             846.00                32         
xTKxhom3r                               2185.00               21.00                 32         
Yakbak                                  0.00                  0.00                  32         
Yamurli                                 935.00                14.00                 32         
yog1974                                 614784.00             2840.00               32         
Yoyo1948                                1475.00               174.00                32         
zbo                                     1697.00               5.00                  32         
ZigsPalffy                              228852.00             725.00                32


- Sign-ups: Sunday, May 25th @ 12:00am PDT through Saturday, June 7th @ 11:59pm PDT.

A thread will be available for sign-ups and be LINK'D HERE. You must have a post in the sign-up thread with your Folding ID by the sign-up deadline to participate.

- Contest duration: Sunday, June 8th @ 12:00am PDT through Saturday, July 5th @ 11:59pm PDT.

This contest has been aligned with the Stanford Folding week, please note all times are Pacific Daylight Time. Offical progress numbers will be tallied and shown in this thread and updated periodically (every 2~3 days). Otherwise, you may track your progress using any third-party stats site you choose.

- What you need to do: Fold WUs for Team 32. :) Each WU Folded for Team 32 within the contest period will earn each participant one entry for the prize drawing... think about it like a raffle.

This contest is not about points... it's about science! You do not need the latest hardware, a large Folding farm, or otherwise to participate in this contest and have a chance at winning. All those things will certainly help increase your chances, but a participant who Folds only one WU within the contest period still has one chance to win the prize. A participant with a single machine can win this contest. OCF members from our SETI and Benchmarking Teams can win this contest. Folders from other Teams who sign-up and Fold WUs for Team 32 can win this contest, so spread the word.

This contest is open to any and all who sign-up and Fold WUs for Team 32 within the contest period.

The bottom line is, to better your chances of winning- Fold more WUs, and thus do more science, for Team 32. Simple. :)


The contest will be administered by yours truly. This is the second take on this contest format and if you'd like to see how the first one shook out please check out the OCF "March Madness" Folding Contest thread, we had a lot of fun. :) I take the administration of this contest seriously and I hope all who participate are confident that the contest will administered fairly. I am honored to be able to serve such a great Team and Forum.

- Minimums: We need a minimum of 40 participants to run this contest. Each participant is required to achieve a minimum average of 100 points per returned WU for the entire contest period. If that minimum is not achieved by a participant, their total points for the entire contest period will be divided by 100 and rounded up to the next integer- this resulting number will be their number of contest entries.

- Excessive EUEs: Excessive EUEs will not be tolerated. This will be dealt with on a case by case basis at the sole discretion of the contest administration, possibly resulting in dismissal from the contest if that user does not stop the excessive EUEs. This is not to say that a user who has a machine EUE a few times will be dismissed, such a situation will likely go unnoticed. The term excessive is not being defined here and will be left up to the contest admin to determine what is excessive. The bottom line, if a user is contacted about EUEs and they fix the issue, there will be no issue.

- Server Blocking: Blocking of Stanford Server IP addresses will not be tolerated. This will be dealt with on a case by case basis at the sole discretion of the contest administration, possibly resulting in dismissal from the contest. Catching someone in the act of server blocking is very difficult and nearly impossible to prove. Just be aware that stats will be periodically reviewed looking for such trends in participants returned WUs.

The members of this Team are honest, respectable people. I don't believe cheating will be an issue. But it needs to be stated here what the consequences may be for someone intentionally trying to cheat.

- Goals: The goals of this contest are to boost the production of current Team 32 members, recruit new members into our great Team and Project, and most importantly... play fair and have fun!

- Questions? - Please post in this thread.



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Man... I just love all these nice looking avatars you guys are wearing. It makes me happy to see us all looking unified, yet maintain our identity. :D

Just remember... I'll have a thread up Sunday for official sign-ups, and it will run for two weeks. Plenty of time to get your Folding ID in there. ;)
I will give my quad 4 ghz for this. Its always fun to push it to its limits for some folding fun. :D
Btw guys, if you want to donate a phase unit for 24/7 feel free to do so. The higher I can run my quad, the faster I dish out WU's. :D
Thank you for your generosity & time dfonda / harlam !! :beer:

This team kicks *** :attn:

I'm in. :cool:
Sweet jeebus I'm in!

Now if I could only find a way around my work firewall to switch those over from crunching.