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One chuffed little monkey

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New Member
Apr 8, 2001
Hi people!
I discovered overclockers.com recently and have been reading fairly intensly over the last few days. Anyway, don't want to ramble on too much, but I got my PIII 450 to 600 MHz! Unable to stop myself (even though I realised I was being greedy) I pushed it up to 630... It POSTed, but then nuked my registry - doh!

Well now I've got things running mostly how they were, I thought I just post a message to thank people who have written articles and the such that I have learned from.

I'll be back......

PS. I joined the folding team too.....
congrats, hey. at least it was the registry. There have been many people who have fried their cpus oc'ing.
Yeah, well the weird thing is that it claimed to be restoring a backup but I just got that nasty green background that signifies to me everything is bad......
YaZzA_MaN (Apr 08, 2001 08:30 p.m.):
Yeah, well the weird thing is that it claimed to be restoring a backup but I just got that nasty green background that signifies to me everything is bad......

If your maintaining good temps on the CPU, try a bit more V-Core .
I hate it when it says the registry is bad and starts restoring from a backup when you know it's just because it was running too fast and you also know the restore is going to be grunged for the same reason. Welcome to the forum, you will and probably already have learned alot from these guys here. They know their stuff, They got me where I am today and I didnt know jack about overclocking and 'real' CPU and system cooling a couple of months ago. As you can see from my signature line below, my system rocks now and I owe it all to the guys here.
Welcome to our humble abode! Literally.....I live here! hehe

May I suggest an image of your clean install? If you continue to tweak....restore it and be back in 10 mins or so....then tweak some more! =)

Glad to have ya here.

BTW....have you ever owned a U 2 Neuclear Plasmatonian Space Modulator?
Thanks people, a response from a moderator, I'm honered! ;-)

Actually I was a bit naughty. I got to 600MHz with the standard fan. I did go up in little increments and kept an eye on the temp, and @ 600MHz I just let windows boot and then shutdown before meltdown! Spured on by the >possibility< I can make that stable I've ordered an exciting new duel fan cooling thingy from Tennmax (and a new cooler for my Voodoo). I do have a couple of questions for you guys:-

1. For the few seconds I let it run I recorded a temp of 47oC @ 600MHz, but I'm not sure of the best place for the temperature probe. At the moment I've got it affixed to one of the fins on the heatsink (not directly below the fan), but I'd like to get an accurate as possible temp for the CPU.

2. After I've got the main system stable for a while I'd like to overclock my Voodoo 3 2000 PCI, but I'm wondering if it will be overclocked some already by increasing the FSB [the setting is 133(1/4)]

3. Is there any way to test what speed my RAM is? I bought it second hand last year before I knew anything about system bus speeds. There is nothing printed on the DIMMs, so I'm kind of assuming it's 66.

4. Finally stupid question, how do I make an image?

I hope I haven't asked anything that is too frequently posted about, I did look.... And thanks for all the help and warm greetings, I like this community already!

5. Just remembered something. If I get my computer to auto shutdown while I sleep will it screw up a fold in process?

PS I know I probably should have originally posted this in the Intel room, but I just got overexcited by a 33% frequency increase!
Whoops, wrote a nice new signature and forgot to check the little box!
Hey you caught the bug...like TT120 so thats great. Now all you have to do is get some cash flow so you can upgrade and tweak a little more, and a little more and a little more.... well you get the picture.
Hmm I'll take a stab at it,

1. I assume you mean processor temps? First of all if you are using a probe and not an onboard monitoring chip, please understand this temp is esentially ambient. What I mean is it's not ON the core and therefore only measurnig the temp near the core. 47 is a bit high considering the actual temp is probably a bit higher.....if not TOO high. Recheck your seating of your HS and did you use some quality compound like Artic silver or just use a 'shack' brand? This is pretty important as those temps are not going to help much since it runs even better at cooler temps, but even worse at higher ones.

2. your voodoo will easily OC, and you can Download the tweak from tweakfiles. Simple proggie to use, install, set your speed, reboot. I don't recommend you go over 190 and honestly think you should start about 170. If you don't like the program method, I'm sending the direct reg hack via email.....check your box! hehe

3.SiSoft Sandra will do the benchmarking and discovery of your memory. That's kinda a standard program around here.

4. www.powerquest.com will be a great place for making an image. Or www.downloads.com. Grab a copy of PQ Disk Image. It's a shareware and does an outstanding job.

PS I know I probably should have originally posted this in the Intel room, but I just got overexcited by a 33% frequency increase!

Np....it'll probably be moved there! hehe. Nah not really...you cover a wide range of items.....it will probably be moved to General hardware.

5. That's a good question.....will it even sleep if it's running folding? My guess is no since it's constantly being accessed.

Hope this helps
Welcome aboord bro, sorry to hear about you misfortune though, oh well, shouldn't be that difficult to fix. Good luck to ya sir... :)
Thanks for the welcome Metaxas and for the advice Shadow ÒÓ.

1. Yeah, the processor temp. I know it's a bit hot but it's just the retail setup. My new cooler is (hopefully) on its way!

2. I got that program earlier today (my computer's health and well-being seems so important now I'm supposed to be revising for finals!), I was just worried about using it in conjuction with the FSB increase.

3. Got SiSoft Sandra today too (been busy!) but didn't spot anything about RAM speed when I had a quick play. Guess I'll just hit the manual tomorrow ;-)

Thanks again for the quick response.

PS Don't you hate it when you suddenly notice the dawn chorus has begun and it's your eighth cup of coffee! :))
don't drink coffee, but my father constantly brags how he wakes up daily at 5 am w/o an alarm clock. Yells at me for never being up that early.

Simple explanation.....I see the break of dawn almost every day.....cause I stay up that late!

you never answered about the.......have you ever owned a U 2 Neuclear Plasmatonian Space Modulator? your character for your sig is my fav on Bugs!
YaZzA_MaN (Apr 08, 2001 09:42 p.m.):
Whoops, wrote a nice new signature and forgot to check the little box!

Since you mentioned it in your sig... The Creative DVD is ok (I have one too), it's just that their player software sucks. Get a copy of Power DVD and let your Voodoo card/CPU do the decoding/playing. You can get a 30 day trial version from over at C|Net (formerly Winfiles).
Shadow ÒÓ, erm, what's a Space Modulator? I'm guessing I don't own one, but I haven't checked under the sofa cushions recently! Continuing the lostness trend, "my fav on Bugs", eh what? Maybe I'm just tired....

Spike13, I've had a whole variety of problems with this drive, but I guess this is not the right forum to go into them. I finally managed to get my BIOS (the main system one that is) to update today, despite previous near-disaster attempts, but haven't had time to watch films yet. Maybe those darn problems will have just evaporated! If not I'll try your suggestion.

Oh what! It's 6:00 am now! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
When some one new to the forum posts and needs help I generaly let it run for a bit (Hey I not compleatly heartless....honest!...no...really!). This ones headed for our "Cooling" Topic when our "Chuffed little Monkey" has a chance to see where it's going.
Oh this is getting silly. I just heard a seagull outside. Like this is London man, what are they doing, sightseeing? Maybe it's all in my head. I'm off to bed at last. Thanks again for all the help guys, much appreciated.