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Mar 3, 2002
For my watercooling system im considering routing the water straight from my pump threw the radiator first then to the CPU, thoughts? Basically the warm water returning from the CPU would go to the reservior then be drawn im by the pump into the radiator(cooled) then sent back to the CPU, most of the ones i have seen the water goes from reservior to CPU then Radiator. Thx:beer:

Oh on a side note im using approx a 4 to 5 gallon reservior what mixture should i use? 3 gallons of water 1 gallon of anti freeze and a bottle of water wetter?
well i'm not an expert, but why would you use 4 to 5 gallons of water!?!?!? I mean it would take alot to keep that much water cold. And where are you going to put that monster reservoir!?!?
A bigger revservior is just harder to manuver, and heats up more slowly than a smaller one. Trust me, after you have had to take your pump out a few times to re-adjust it , or have had to move the reservior around, for whatever reason, you'll be cursing big reserviors. And remember 3-4 gallons weighs 24-32lbs! 8 lbs per gallon!
About that radiator idea. It seems good, because an increased amount of pressure going through the radiator means that the radiator will be utilized to a fuller extent than if you had less flow going through it.
Also, I think the optimum amount of anti-freeze in the water is around 15%, any more, and performance is hindered. I'm not sure on this, but I've heard somewhere around here not to use watter wetter.
Good luck
To answer your questions on why such a big reservior, one because i have chosen to use an igloo cooler, two because i have a big *** radiator:D three moving it wont be a problem when it comes to cleaning it or replacing water it is next to a window so i can turn computer off disconnect hose from cpu and pump the water out the window, and the cooler has a handle. Ok why an Igloo icechest? because it is one of those cool self cooling refrigorator ones that you plug in(now wired to PSU) and it cools what is in it to 40f below the ambient temp:beer:
Doc_T said:
Ok why an Igloo icechest? because it is one of those cool self cooling refrigorator ones that you plug in(now wired to PSU) and it cools what is in it to 40f below the ambient temp:beer:
How long does it take that cooler to get the water to 40f below ambient? 10days/mounth? And then how long does it take for the cpu to heat the water back up? Those little coolers use a 120watt pelt to keep them cool which I know does not work with the power of our high watt puter systems.
Doc_T, check the power rating of the Igloo. If you only run your
system a few hours a day you can get away with this idea
because you have so much water. And you can have the
Igloo cooling while the computer is off. BUT if you are doing
seti or one of the other crunchers 24/7 there is no way
this is going to work with less than about a 200 W pelt
in the Igloo.