It’s just another Linux distro with some UI. Obviously not ready for prime time. There will be virtually zero MS users with no *nix background that will adopt this. And while it may look nice, if everything you can use today in Windows can be run seamlessly on this, MAYBE it will have traction. Else, what is actually different from this vs any other distro?
I already listed 3 distros that essentially reach that requirement. No windows alternative will ever be flawless when trying to run windows applications, not even windows. I would be shocked if today you could not do the vast majority of things you do in windows on Manjaro, or Mint. LInux is ready now and today for 95% of everything we do, and I would argue its more functional and a better experience than MacOS which is seen as a complete OS by many people.
You wrote words, and I recognised LibreOffice

So, this is basically a Linux offshoot scraped together from several different distro's with a knock-off GUI to pretend it works like Windows? And you still had to use command console for troubleshooting instead of the GUI itself?
Its not exactly like that, but yeah I would not recommend this distro because its not working, but I would not look at it and say Linux is not ready. I think its important to note that its not a knock off GUI, KDE is an amazing and feature rich desktop environment. DE's are one of the most awesome aspects of Linux, because you can pick the one you like, or work best for you and it will run on generally any "flavor" of distribution underneath. You love the Windows XP style, fine you can do that, you grew up with Stardock and modifying everything, great you can do that! The problem with this distro is its package choices, which can be overcome but why when that works on several other more mainstream distributions.
After reading the whole thread, I'm gonna stick with (ugh) winders. I'm too old, and in all honesty, have a short fuse. If I have to use command console to get it to work properly, especially with my games, someone is going to catch the rag.
Your call, I suspect that you will reach that rage level soon enough with the changes MS keeps making and how driven the are to enshitify windows. This distro is not for you, its a small team, with specific goals that IMO make no sense. Mainstream linux wont spy on you, it "just works" as well as windows "just works" if you installed one of the distro's I listed you would probably be fine. Windows is a dying OS, when SteamOS hits you are going to see a mass exodus of OEMs and system builders as they chase the Gamer market. Corporate will still probably stay MS.
Yeah, I'm waiting for something that is 'like' windows in that, there isn't any command line. I'd love to, but, the level of effort needed, which granted isn't a ton, just isn't something I have time to put forward these days. I just need my daily driver to work and Windows covers that.
I was hoping this was that, but, seems not really close.
I have always need to use the CMD line in windows too. I my life and my history no OS has worked without needing some level of command line work, power-shell was an admission that windows needed a more powerful command line because of how **** the UI got. Want to change your IP address, you have 3 different styles and organizations of control panel UIs to dig through before you can just change your IP. open command line and type one command, job done.
That said, im not going to suggest that you CANT do it with the UI in windows, and that is probably the only functional difference. There are still times where a UI exists in linux but for unknown reasons you change something and you wont always get a message as to why something went wrong. These are far and few between in this age but they do still sometimes happen.
Try Manjaro or Mint, they are ready, its just this distro.
I know many will disagree with me but Linux as a desktop OS can't hold a candle to Windows. It's very nature of being open source with anyone being able to create their own version is it's biggest weakness. It is just too cluttered with no uniform direction (and many see this as it's strength).
You are totally right, because anyone can build anything we have everything and its hard to sort through the noise. Manjaro, Mint, Pop!_OS these are great for average middel aged gamer and tech. I know because thats me, and I use linux.
Despite decades of development and millions of people contributing their time and know-how, there isn't a single distribution that just works, that's polished enough where your average desktop user can install it on your average PC and expect everything to work right out of the box (or with a simple download from a website or a built in software repository) without ever touching the CLI, or hunting down a detailed step by step post in some community forum.
There are dozens, and I would argue windows does not meet your requirement.
Commercial companies rarely support it because, if they do, they will have to maintain multiple different packages so people can download a compatible version. And even if they do, there is no guarantee it will simply work (looking at you Plex!).
You are not totally wrong, but it is true that sometimes they may pick supporting a package system that is not supported out of the box on your distro. That is a valid criticism, but also not untrue of windows. These days its less of an issue, but you still need to be aware if you are installing a 32bit or 64bit executable, if you download an APK thinking you can just run it you will find out quickly that you cant in windows. Sure your thinking why would anyone want to do that... well because your comfortable with windows and have been using it for ages you know that wont work. Ask any kid with a chromebook and they will be confused and not understand why they cant just download an APK and run it on a windows laptop. Your expectation is based on experience. The difference is that in linux there is generally a way to do it, its not always easy, but it can be done.
It does need to be better, and I hope that some day we will find an easy way to distribute applications and programs in a common format. I include .EXE and .DMG in that bucket along with .DEB .RPM .ARU .APK and others. Its crazy that I cant run things that are not a windows .exe on windows is crazy.
Having said this, I am using a mini PC with Debian running a Pi Hole DNS with no issues. But I purchased a newer mini PC and installed Debian again, followed the same excellent guide, only to give up after three days of troubleshooting because it just wouldn't work. I then tried to install Plex, with my 14TB external HDD for library location, and again it just wouldn't work. Even reformatted the drive, changed permissions, no luck. Gave up after two days. Sorry about the long post.
Yeah your experience with Debian is a common one, again I would suggest downloading a distribution that is targeted to end users and not enterprise servers and development. Mint, Manjaro, POP...