Hi guys. I've been building my own pc systems for gaming since 98' but have never OverClocked anything but have always been interested in learning. So finally I decided to build a budget rig i thought i could start learning to OverClock with. So i'd really like some advice on a few things now please bear with me im newbie 
So my new system
Case: Aero ZeroDegree
PSU:OCZ 700w modXstream pro
Board: Asus p7p55d-e pro
Ram: Corsair XMS3 CMX4GX3M2A1600C7 2X2GB DDR3-1600 CL 7-8-7-20
Heatsink: Hyper212 plus
Graphics : MSI GTX460 1GB Cyclone
Harddrive: WD caviar SE16 250g sata 7200
Monitor: 24in gateway (1900x1200)
Cooling setup- 4x120mm fans- 1 INTO case parallel with heatsink, 1 IN on heatsink, 1OUT on heat sink, 1 OUT of case parallel with heatsink. 1 250mm fan on side panel blowing in.
So currently stable at 3.8 with 19x200 in bios with settings
vcore: 1.25
IMC: 1.3
dram: 1.65
PLL: 1.9
PCH: 1.1
LLC: Enable
Memory timings 7-8-7-20
Cpu temps at havent gone above 58c under 100% load using prime. Memtest has passed everytime. Have Core temp set to shutdown PC if temps go above 78c.
So i mainly use my pc to play games like Crysis2, Mafia 2, WOW, Batman:ark and run at 1900x1200 and max settings.
So I have a few questions about these settings and the use of them. Any advice or input will be greatly appreciated.
1. Are there any settings in BIOS that i should be looking out for that could potentially damage my system while running this settings?
2. Should my PC stay OC'd full time? Or should it be tuned down?
3. Am i overkilling it with these speeds for what i use it for? And if so what speeds should i be trying to hit?
4. Running the windows rating system puts everything above 7.4 but rates my hard drive transfer rate at 5.5 is this bottlenecking prime so my heats are wrong? And what kind of hard drive or system should i upgrade to?
5.My old graphics card was a Alpha dog 8800GT should i run it as a phyX card or is it not even worth it?
Any ideas, opinions, or facts about the system or tuning that i should change or worry about would be great! Thanx again!
So my new system
Case: Aero ZeroDegree
PSU:OCZ 700w modXstream pro
Board: Asus p7p55d-e pro
Ram: Corsair XMS3 CMX4GX3M2A1600C7 2X2GB DDR3-1600 CL 7-8-7-20
Heatsink: Hyper212 plus
Graphics : MSI GTX460 1GB Cyclone
Harddrive: WD caviar SE16 250g sata 7200
Monitor: 24in gateway (1900x1200)
Cooling setup- 4x120mm fans- 1 INTO case parallel with heatsink, 1 IN on heatsink, 1OUT on heat sink, 1 OUT of case parallel with heatsink. 1 250mm fan on side panel blowing in.
So currently stable at 3.8 with 19x200 in bios with settings
vcore: 1.25
IMC: 1.3
dram: 1.65
PLL: 1.9
PCH: 1.1
LLC: Enable
Memory timings 7-8-7-20
Cpu temps at havent gone above 58c under 100% load using prime. Memtest has passed everytime. Have Core temp set to shutdown PC if temps go above 78c.
So i mainly use my pc to play games like Crysis2, Mafia 2, WOW, Batman:ark and run at 1900x1200 and max settings.
So I have a few questions about these settings and the use of them. Any advice or input will be greatly appreciated.
1. Are there any settings in BIOS that i should be looking out for that could potentially damage my system while running this settings?
2. Should my PC stay OC'd full time? Or should it be tuned down?
3. Am i overkilling it with these speeds for what i use it for? And if so what speeds should i be trying to hit?
4. Running the windows rating system puts everything above 7.4 but rates my hard drive transfer rate at 5.5 is this bottlenecking prime so my heats are wrong? And what kind of hard drive or system should i upgrade to?
5.My old graphics card was a Alpha dog 8800GT should i run it as a phyX card or is it not even worth it?
Any ideas, opinions, or facts about the system or tuning that i should change or worry about would be great! Thanx again!
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