Please help me to overclock my powercolor voodoo 2 card.I am trying to do it via the registery with out much success.Any help would be appreciated.
Is possible to overclock onboard cards??I have a SiS 620 card onboard.
If u are talking about the cool Bit Reg, u need to find another program to overclock with, cuz the CB Reg is obly for the NVidia drivers. U could try the program called PowerStrip, u can find it here:
I have tried to OC a V2 once without any luck. I could change the speed, but I couldn't se any differ in the bench'es.
But good luck anyway.
you can do a registry search for voodoo and do it that way... I cant remember which entry it is. try they might still have something about that card.
I was going to sugest you try to find another one and run it in SLI mode but the only place I found one is 50 bucks what a rip off.
If you have a 12mb card and want another one for SLI I have one that I would be willing to trade for if you have any spare computer parts. Just icq me or email
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