I have just purchased the below hardware. By default the processor runs at 10x100Mhz. This great but what I want to do is run it at 7.5x133Mhz. Thus getting the best out of my mainboard and RAM. Anyone come across sites that cover this mainboard? I have yet to find any.
FYI System Info:
CPU: Athlon 1Ghz
Mainboard: Aopen AK73 Pro
Ram: 2x128Mb PC133
VGA: Gigabyte GA660+ (32Mb TNT2)
HDD: IBM 20Gb Deskstar 5400rpm ATA100
Thanks in Advance.
FYI System Info:
CPU: Athlon 1Ghz
Mainboard: Aopen AK73 Pro
Ram: 2x128Mb PC133
VGA: Gigabyte GA660+ (32Mb TNT2)
HDD: IBM 20Gb Deskstar 5400rpm ATA100
Thanks in Advance.