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PC Chips KT133 motherboards

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New Member
Jan 7, 2001
They have a M805, M807 and M810 all of which offer KT133/ 133/266, overclocking etc. at very reasonable priceses ($60 - $100). Are they any good?
Yes, they are very good for their prices. Actualy, all mainboards uses Via KT133 family, so, they are almost the same. But forget onboard overclockability, since it only have fsb adjusts. Well, if u will do the overclock trorough the L bridges, go for it. They are fast, but a little unstable. ;P Avoid the 805lr, cause it's a baby atx, and only have 1 agp and 2 pci slots.
More info, go to http://www.pcchips.com
Buy this board and save money to buy a top speed processor. :-D
Their manual indicates the CPU multiplier might be able to be chanaged through the BIOS. The page listing the multiplier had a manual option just not clear what this opened up. Of course you can still overclock take that 750 Duron and run it at 133 and you get 997.5. Not bad for the price and they will for the most part handel it with a good fan.
No, it's not true. Actualy, you wont see anything at bios plug&play in bios setup. Even flashing to the latest bios, the Pcchips only let you change the fsb, and only to 112mhz. That informations only exist at the manual!
The only way to overclock in this "ChingLing"mobo, is closing the L bridges, like showed at tomshardware. Oh, and this mobo's are a hell of instable past 104mhz fsb. >(
PC Chips? BLEUGH :¬p}! I would not use one of cheapo POS if they gave it to me for free and paid me to use it.

Nope. If you're after a Cheapo *Decento* Mobo, try to find an ECS K7VZA. Like the PC Chips it only goes up to 112Mhz Bus, but at least ECS provide descriptons of their BIOS Updates. Not much of an OC board really, but quick enough for unOC usage.

Check out the Review of it a Tom's Hardware. It gets top four in every benchmark they ran. It is quick too.

I advised my mate to buy one from ebuyer.com, where it cost him under £75. If he asked about PC Chips, my response would've been "you're on your own there, matey".

PC Chips are renown for poor quality control. I've heard from one friend who had to return a PC Chips mobo 6 times to get one that'll work - and then it was so unstable they bought an Asus (I think it was an Asus, or was it a Gigabyte...). That was one of their crappy BXPro mobos.