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PC freezing and sound squeeking

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Apr 26, 2005
while playing MTW II my PC locks up and the sound squeeks high pitched tones.

PC spec is fine for the game. Happens even after reformatting 3 times.

Please tell me what the **** the problem is becuase I'm really ****ed off with it now:bang head
nope heat is fine. you could be right on the dying souncard tho. i'm gonna remove the audigy 2 and enbale onbaor sound in BIOS then atleast that will eliminate sound card. cheers for heads up. brb.
ok i removed the audigy, removed creative drivers, enabled onaboard, installed nfroce 3 audi drivers, rebooted, fired MTW II up and 10 mins in game it locks up but this time the speakers diden't make a high pitched squeeking.

MTW II played flawlessly when i first got it untill one day the PC shut itself down and I felt the heatsink and it was RED HOT and ever since then I've had the freeze and speakers squeek at random times during gameplay.

This does not happen with any other game including BF2142, Americas Army, Red Orcestra, HL2, ect ect.

it seems setting the audigy to a PCI latency setting of 248 has fixed it after 1 hour playtesting.
This may be because of the sound card failing to handle a shared IRQ.

Is the sound card sharing an IRQ with another device?

Please check the IRQ listing in Device Manager!
yup it was the first thing I checked when the problem started to happen and it's on it's own IRQ.

I reckon my motherboard is at fault here. The cause of this freeze and screech was when my PC shutdown automatily cos the CPU got red hot while browsing the net. I could smell burning plastic and just left the CPU to cool and then turned PC back on. I got this problem 5 times after aswell.

Do you reckon the mobo resistors are failing to manage the current and thus volt surging the CPU? I visually checked the resistors for damage but they looked fine other than a few in a less than upright position (proably my big fingers over the months of twekaing my case).

This problem is XXXX -DO NOT BY PASS THE SWEAR FILTER! KRAG, OCF classifieds moderator. WEIRD!
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As of todays motherboards they normally come with a CPU overheat protection system and if you said you smelt burning plastic then your board's on it's way out. How long have you had it if your under a year you should be able to RMA it from your dealer. Infact go straight to the brand maker and go through there support they will then let you know if your can have a replacement or get it sent for a fix.

Would save you money unless you've seen another board you like but it does sound the board is on it's last legs.
i got it from some guy on ebay 14 months ago dead cheap so cant RMA it, I don't think?
I would try and look into purchasing a new motherboard then cause I wouldn't want it to take my memory and graphics card and the rest of my hardware in case. You have some nice memory there and a nice g.card so best to be safe than sorry.

I have found a few at Aria.Co.Uk here's what I think is the best for £39 Gigabyte GA-K8N51GMF-RH http://www.aria.co.uk/ProductInfoComm.asp?ID=22884. Has nForce 410 chipset and loads of nice features for a 754 board which as you know is no in production anymore.
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AngelfireUk83 said:
As of todays motherboards they normally come with a CPU overheat protection system and if you said you smelt burning plastic then your board's on it's way out. How long have you had it if your under a year you should be able to RMA it from your dealer. Infact go straight to the brand maker and go through there support they will then let you know if your can have a replacement or get it sent for a fix.

Would save you money unless you've seen another board you like but it does sound the board is on it's last legs.

AMD's overheat protection is very poor. Intels are the best.

I saw a video of a AMD with no heatsink beign turned on... and it fried...

they then took a Pentium and did the same thing, and the pentium protected itself...

My solution is the following. First, I assume by "Heatsink" you mean CPU. Was the fan running, or is it failing?

Check the PSU... is it vibrating or making the slightest noise. If you cant hear it, try temporarily stop the fan on it from spinning, with a paper clip. If you hear or feel any vibration, then the PSU is the source of the initial issues. What type of Powersupply are you using?
Try the http://www.ocforums.com/showthread.php?t=403837

Second step is to remove the heatsink, and check for any burning on the CPU. Also make sure there is a light coat of thermal paste. If thermal paste is everywhere or non-existant, then you had an idiot build the machine.

If the CPU is not burnt, or show any Obvious sign of damage, remove it, and check the Motherboard. Check both sides. If any burn marks are on the board itself, then their is a problem. Go through and check each little compacitor, transistor, etc for any obvious sign of damage.

Does the machine only lock up in this one application? How about other games? Did you Download the ATI/Nvidia drivers directly from the manufacturers? Check the video card in the same way as you did for the Motherboard. When you put the machine back together, use Artic Silver Revision 5. Buy it before you start doing anything. THEN READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT..

Then report back with the results.


PS are you OCing the processor/videocard?
GreenJelly, I think I saw that video. The people that did it did it as a joke and taped a firecracker under the table below the cpu.

If you smell burning, check the fans. something might be stuck and as the fan is trying to spin and the motor is overheating.
I fear that this is no fan burning... I hope your right, but something probably destroyed his PC.

The other thing it could have been is a loose screw in your case, that is now lodged somewhere it shouldnt be, creating a short and thus burning what ever it is.

CPU's are rather tough Items. I would suspect the problem beign the PSU, Videocard or Motherboard. The problem is that he let it happen 5 times before solving the problem. He may now have MULTIPLE problems with MULTIPLE devices.

First thing I would do is check the PSU as stated in the link above... Check it with the PC running normally or under PRIME95. Also check it with the game running. I say this, because if he has a bad Power Supply Unit (PSU) then he probably shouldnt do anything else until he fixes this issue.

He should also answer my questions I posed to him, for they may lead to single out the problem. Buying parts for a non-pcie, non-DDR2 Mobo is often a tough thing to do, for the items are simply out of date, and not able to be upgraded in the future.

I have only had 1 problem with a CPU. That problem manifested itself into very irratic behavior. The only reason we knew that it was the CPU, was because the person who gave it to me, warned me that their may have been an static electric from carelessness.

Without that information, we could have spent hundreds on replacement parts. Test the PSU.

If this machine is the one in your sig, then you will be able to RMA parts. Start with my advice to try and single out a spicific part, then RMA it, RMA your MoBo, and your CPU. BTW what brand and model is your PSU.
Lesson: Burning is NOT good.
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I must admit I only skimmed over the replies so excuse me if my post is off base, but can you disable the game sounds? I had a similar problem with a game. It would cause all sorts of lock ups, reboots, and screeching. A friend suggested that it was my sound card and that I should purchase a new one. I didn’t want to spring for the money based on the hunch of a friend so luckily I could disable all sounds in the game’s ini or se up tab. I turned off the game’s sounds, launched it, played online for two hours and no problems arose. In my case, my friend was right. When I did purchase a new card, it worked fine.

I’ve read how your PC over heated and if money is an issue, I surely hope that it’s something simple like mine was.
process of elimination .. if you havent found an "easy" fix yet best bet is to start from scratch.. and i know that wont be to fun especially since you installed so many times.

start with bare minum hardware. double, triple, qaudruple check your cpu and ram are stable.. temps are all good..

make sure your installing the drivers correctly. any bios updates ?

all that boring over-rated stuff helps .. :D
No matter what, you better be buying a New Heatsink. Go with a universal one, that way if you find you got to go with a whole new computer, then you can still use that part.
