I just upgraded my SLOT A motherboard to a 900mhz T-bird cpu and i want to try to get at least 1300mhz out of this cpu and i have a theory on how to achive this when i aquire certain items and mainly PC166
my specs are
Gigabyte 7IX slot a motherboard supports up to 1000mhz
900mhz 1.75 volts
128pc100, does not support FSB changing
voodoo 3 16meg agp
235 watt power supply
This setup currenty runs fine like a charm and i just recently slapped a fan on my voodoo 3 so i could overclock it to 197mhz cache speed from 166mhz.
Ok now this is my theory on how to achieve 1297mhz with the slot a
i know if i get a GFD i could easily make it to 1000 now the trick to get the extra 297 mhz is to raise my FSB to 133mhz ,pci speed 30mhz, however since i can not do this through my bios and my motherboard dosnt support it i will have to go around this by using a program call CpuFSB.
Now i just recently discovered this program about a week ago and it just happens to support my motherboard 7IX and i can change the FSB through the program at either FSB 120mhz,pci 20mhz or FSB 133,pci 33mhz to achieve the 297mhz. Since my pc100 dosnt work worth a crap i am thinking about getting the new PC166 at CAS-3 and at 150 CAS-2. I am however not sure if athlon slot a motherboards were willing to get that high even with pc133 in fact i heard that the max it could achieve was only 110mhz on some athlon slot a mainboards, but this was before the time of pc166 ram. Is this theory possible? Also i heard that when you change the FSB this does not affect the CPU in anyway so after this procedure would be completed it would not have any affect on the temperture unless i raised the multiplyier to 10x and 1.85 volts through the GFD.
Any help or explainations on why this would not work and not work is appreciated.
I just upgraded my SLOT A motherboard to a 900mhz T-bird cpu and i want to try to get at least 1300mhz out of this cpu and i have a theory on how to achive this when i aquire certain items and mainly PC166
my specs are
Gigabyte 7IX slot a motherboard supports up to 1000mhz
900mhz 1.75 volts
128pc100, does not support FSB changing
voodoo 3 16meg agp
235 watt power supply
This setup currenty runs fine like a charm and i just recently slapped a fan on my voodoo 3 so i could overclock it to 197mhz cache speed from 166mhz.
Ok now this is my theory on how to achieve 1297mhz with the slot a
i know if i get a GFD i could easily make it to 1000 now the trick to get the extra 297 mhz is to raise my FSB to 133mhz ,pci speed 30mhz, however since i can not do this through my bios and my motherboard dosnt support it i will have to go around this by using a program call CpuFSB.
Now i just recently discovered this program about a week ago and it just happens to support my motherboard 7IX and i can change the FSB through the program at either FSB 120mhz,pci 20mhz or FSB 133,pci 33mhz to achieve the 297mhz. Since my pc100 dosnt work worth a crap i am thinking about getting the new PC166 at CAS-3 and at 150 CAS-2. I am however not sure if athlon slot a motherboards were willing to get that high even with pc133 in fact i heard that the max it could achieve was only 110mhz on some athlon slot a mainboards, but this was before the time of pc166 ram. Is this theory possible? Also i heard that when you change the FSB this does not affect the CPU in anyway so after this procedure would be completed it would not have any affect on the temperture unless i raised the multiplyier to 10x and 1.85 volts through the GFD.
Any help or explainations on why this would not work and not work is appreciated.