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peltier built into WB

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Aug 26, 2001
would it be feasable to construct a water block that had a peltier built into the base with a plate below it, but not necesariuly above it
yes, it would seem doing so would eliminate many mediums normally between a WB/pelt/cpu
WOW, you guys post fast
now that i think about it though there would need to be another material between the "coldplate" section of the block and the rest so the peltier does not end up cooling the whole block
i imagine this would not be easy to do
Still not quite sure what you are talking about. The "normal" setup is cold plate, pelt on top of it and water block on top of pelt. Leufghken Technologies makes the Pel-Block which directly cools the pelt. I.E. there is no bottom to the water block thereby allowing the water to come into direct contact with the pelt.
I don't think it would work. You need the bottom plate and the top plate(water block in this case) seperated so the heat/cold dosn't mix with eachother.
plastic, nylon

use plastic or nylon to seal the plet, no express need for metal....
Is Leufken still in business?
For the past 3-4 months,
has a blue screen, with an apology and a statement that due to an overload of orders, the site has been shut down "for afew days, in order to catch up".
Anyone know what's up?
i had one of there direct die blocks too, i guess that is what you were looking for. too bad i sold it :( and never got to test it.

had a 156W pelt on it, well at least they still exist!
Ct. Strangelove said:
what about clamping pressure? I am sure you can't just clamp the sides at 150pounds and leave the core untouched. can you?

I agree, you would need some kind of mechanical support for the hot side of the pelt. Something like copper posts projecting out of the lid of the block to keep the whole pelt pressed to the coldplate might work.
you could have a wb with an open bottom just smaller than the pelt so you could seat it. then have a clamping place again with an opening just smaller than the pelt that is thin and bolt that into the bottom of the wb that would get you pretty good clamping preasure and you could directly aply the peltier to the cpu but i think thats a bad idea cus the pelt wont spread the cpu heat much id say open bottom with cold plate atached the same way i mentioned above would give you your best results as dd peltage.
What about a grid-like bottom of the WB?
Lite holes or something so that the water can get direct contact with the pelt but still toe pressure is evenly placed across the pelt...
A side-effect would be increased turbulance and area!

And phoenixpinion, I had the same idea a while ago, but I also very soon understood that the two sides would cool/heat each other. So that does not work...

Now I have been thinking of something else!
ssjwizard mentioned that you need a coldplate to spread out the heat from the CPU. But what if you would use a shim instead to cool the entire processor and not only the core... could that lead to better OCing?
The point would be to decrease resistance within the package.
It's nothing I have been thinking about a lot, so I wouldn't be to surprised if the answer was rather simple :)