it not that i dont like your opnions, it just kinda sucks a lil to hear that my pelt isnt rite for teh sitution that im in. it feels like I wasted my money, and thats not a good feeling. but any way i really apprecite you guys answer my questions, ill try my pelt out later 2 nite, and see if it melts my t-bird. im running a at power supply for the pelt, and the power supply is only running the pelt. i heard online that there has to be a 5v load on the 5v line, or i will not bbe putting out the maxium amprage. thats what i read online so im gonna try that out also. once i get my 2 psus in my comp later 2 day, there both gonan be atx, and the at on ewill go back in my closet. but any way this is great how u guys are takin tim to answer my questions, alot of people woundt care about wut i said. ill remember to watch my t-bird tmep carefully. its a bpretty tough chip, i once turned my comp on with no fan just a heat sink, and it loaded windows with no problem, and when it was loading all my icons thats when it froze. i mean if it loaded windows with out dieing then i mean it has to be able 2 take sum serius heat before any thing really bad could happen to it. and i chiped my t-bird in 3 places, from just taking my heat sink on and off alot. im always trying new things so my heat sink is always moveing. i hope my chipped core doesnt eventually in the long run dammage the cpu. what do you think bout this? later 2 day ill try th epelt out and let you know how it goes with the dual fan, and good sized heat sink. ill take a pic so you can see my setup. i have AIM and im on it all day my SN is kronic 666 if you have AIM feel free to AIM me ok?