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Peltier Watt choice...Voltages regulate... Condenstion...

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Apr 17, 2001
Things I'm going to use:
Swiftech MC370 with Delta fan 68cfm (80mm to 60mm adapter)
Dual P3 1000MHz
Abit VP6
Kingston 512MB PC133 ECC DIMM CL3
So... I've been thinking of an 55w peltier cuase I guess lower voltages at the peltier
the lower will the chanse of condensation be. What is the best choice ?

And when you for an exampel have a 55w peltier how do you control the voltages
currency/stream/flow or what do you call it... I saw some home made thing but can you
do it in some other way ?

Condensation, in a nice howto prevent condensation a guy tells about his little experience
with condensation and he really scared me at the end of the howto.

"had 2 CPU's full of corrosion after only a week of using a peltier without any condensation prevention"

EEEKkkkk!! don't want that to happen !! Don't know if I dare to use peltier after this.....

Well with a 50w tec it wont get your cpu cold enough for condensation unless you run it with watercooling. And even then I doubt it would. Unless you chilled the water along with running the tec.

I use to run my 56w tec with an alpha at 12v with no insulation at all. It never got cold enough to worry about condensation! I now have an 85w tec with watercooling and it will cause condensation. But I have the pelt sealed off with insulation and the insulation is stuck to the waterblock with clear silicon to prevent any of the outside air from touching the core or the peltier.

if you do your research an take the necessary precautions to prevent condensation it will not occur.

When my system first starts up, my temps are around 28f (-2.5c). Untill the temps rise and stabilize around 48f (9c). But even at 48f, compared to my case temps of 90f (32c) that is well enough to cause condensation, A 42 degree difference. But none occurs cause I have taken the right precautions.

I can remember how scared I was when I got my first peltier! Once you get a little practice with them you will be more at ease. Just make sure you take all the necessary actions to prevent condensation and you'll be ok.
As bfd24 said, you probably wont run into any condensation problems with 55 watt peltiers. The catch is that you'll only get about a cpu temperature about 10 degrees less that the ambient case temperature. Unless you do some major modifications or don't overclock, you should be fine. The problem is that two 1ghz processors and several raid hard drives are going to heat up your case a lot

The math used a 55 watt peltier with a DeltaT of 70
The case temp, modifications ... hmm I going to get Coolmaster 4002 for the hardrives and 2 or 3 YS TECH 120mm fans (135cfm) in a aopen HQ08. One exhaust fan in the top (fan:3), One at the side blowing directly on the mainboard (fan:2), One more intake at the bottom front (fan:1). I will have to cut some holes in it. I think that would do some. Picture:


(In the picture the side fan is on the mainboard side but it should be on the other side)