You are SOL. Call/Email the manufacturer and see about getting it repaired. I don't think that would be covered under warranty, but it wouldn't hurt to ask about it.
Like the actual connector with the copper leads on it? If so, that sucks You could try an RMA, but I would think that it wouldn't be covered. Newegg is real great about helping people out sometimes, so it's worth an ask.
Definatly contact Newegg to see if you can get an RMA. They're usually really good about RMAs and will grant them for any half-descent reason. If on the odd chance you can't get an RMA though, it may be possible to fix it. There was an article on the front page a while back about somebody who broke the plastic piece off of a USB port and managed to get it working again -- I'd assume SATA repair would be fairly similar (though the poster did have the convienience of a USB port to pilage...).
Welcome to the world the SATA. The world which consists of needing floppy drives, power connectors that nothing else uses, and power/data ports weaker than onion paper.
Called WD, no help from them... i have data on the drive aswell... no shot of getting that now it seems.. i may try to wedge a piece of papper in therre so the pins make contact.
If you don't think you can fix it yourself you should either see if someone in the classifieds section would help, or just sell it in the classifieds. I'm sure someone would pick it up with intentions of fixing it.
SATA drives are truly badly designed when it comes to those connectors, iv nearly snapped the mother board ones a few times whiel installing WC'n loop
they do not like downward pressure, so you gotta be carefull.
buta on the flip side, no more bent pins, or bending one back to have it snap off SATA is better but the connectors are prone to snapping off if your not careful.
Mine broke on day one. But I left the plastic piece in the cable and carefully remove it and reinstall it when necessary. I even once pulled the plastic out of the cable and placed it into a new cable.
i wish the receiving ends (on the mobos/drives) were made of something tougher - aluminum or something would be something i'd pay $$$ for (well within reason)... an aftermarket addon that would support/tighten the connection around the outside would be brilliant eh?
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