I tried to overclock my KT7A, 900, by changing the FSB frequency since
the chip is still locked (I did not do anything to it yet). The maximum
I was able to get was 113Mhz. I have read here about people
overclocking this board all the way up to 140. I tried almost everything
including running the memory at HCLC. No luck. Does this mean that
there is something wrong with my board, or I just need to unlock
the chip? What does the SFB speed has to do with the locking/unlocking?
Thanks for help.
My system is as follows: KT7A, 900Mhz, 256MB Mosel Vitelick memory
(easily running at 150). SB live, ATA rage furry pro, IBM 42G. W98SE
the chip is still locked (I did not do anything to it yet). The maximum
I was able to get was 113Mhz. I have read here about people
overclocking this board all the way up to 140. I tried almost everything
including running the memory at HCLC. No luck. Does this mean that
there is something wrong with my board, or I just need to unlock
the chip? What does the SFB speed has to do with the locking/unlocking?
Thanks for help.
My system is as follows: KT7A, 900Mhz, 256MB Mosel Vitelick memory
(easily running at 150). SB live, ATA rage furry pro, IBM 42G. W98SE