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Please post your 3DMark2000 Scores

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Oni-ni-Kanab;, Ninja Hippo eater Moderator
Apr 5, 2001
St. Catharines, Ontario Canada
I was wondering if people could post their 3DMark2000 scores here for me, and their system info. My score is 3358 @ 1024x768x32, and my system is listed below in my signature. I just want to know if these scores are good or not. Thx a lot!

256mb cl3@150
Radeon 32mb ddr@191/191 (test score was taken with 189/189 havent had time to test with new setting)
Everything else is not really important.
I started using 10x7x32, as I game in 32 bit color, but found that it wouldn't run the CPU speed test if I did that. I now run in Default mode all the time (10x7x16). I get better scores, and feel that it makes for a better comparison.

In default, I get 5867 with this system:

PIII700 @980
Asus V7100 GF2 MX @ 220/215
oops forgot to mention i use 10x7x16 as well as i believe thats what most use. I dont see many using 10x7x32. Try it in 10x7x16 and see what ya get. i found the difference for me about a few hundred 3d mark points.
I forgot, could the people who post their scores also post the resolution that they achieved them in? It would be helpful. I also tested in 800x600x32, and got 4769 and at the program defaults, I got 3872. Are these scores alright? I'm not really sure. Thx!
my score is just the default benchmark.

my score suck diddly-ucks
2205 using 800x600x16

good `ol model 64 TNT2 card

256 generic 133 ram
FIC AZ11E mobo
5400 quantum fireball 6.4gb
Oni, unless the Radeon DDR is a much worse Vidcard than I've been led to believe, your Mad Onion 3DMark2K score is much lower than it should be. My guess is that you should be seeing ~6000, or better!

Example: My unworthy P3E600 @ 124 Mhz FSB/744 Mhz Clock Speed earns me a score of 4122. This is with an original GF256, aka the Case Heater. 3DMark2001 score? Sorry, it's classified. Why? 'Cause it's miserable.
I just downloaded the 3D Mark 2K this morning, to see what all the hub-bub was about.

I ran the test three times, and got the following scores;

P/// 600E, Asus P3C2000 mb, 256MB PC133, Herc. 3D Prophet II MX 32MB, monitor set to 1024x768x16

CPU @ 918 MHz (153 FSB), vid card at default settings (175/183) 4808 marks

CPU @ 954 MHz (159 FSB), vid card at default settings (175/183) 4860 marks

CPU @ 954 MHz (159 FSB), vid card "overclocked" to (200/210) 5305 marks

I might be able to get higher, but I just started tinkering with this this morning. From what I've seen, these seem to be average scores.

Mr B
I think you need to work on tweeking the registry settings for your card. Are you using any programs like "Radeon Tweeker" or "Rage 3D Tweek"? These will help to get your score up and, at least with "Rage 3D Tweek" you can overclock your card. I have the same card with a little different system and get scores over, (it's been a while since I ran 3DMark 2000), 6100.
YahooDave (Apr 16, 2001 12:03 a.m.):
I think you need to work on tweeking the registry settings for your card. Are you using any programs like "Radeon Tweeker" or "Rage 3D Tweek"? These will help to get your score up and, at least with "Rage 3D Tweek" you can overclock your card. I have the same card with a little different system and get scores over, (it's been a while since I ran 3DMark 2000), 6100.

I used to use RadeonTweaker, but I stopped, because I wasn't sure of what it was doing, so I stopped using it. I'll re-install it later. As for overclocking the card itself, I've heard that these particular cards are not very overclockable, so I havn't bothered doing that. Maybe I'll consider it.
Oni, this problem may be fixed by using the best Via 4 in 1. I think there are other ways, too. Maybe a patch from Via, better IDE drivers from Intel(?) ? The latest Bios for your mainboard?
On the highest speed I can get the Voodoo3 2K to run 3DMark2000 at (180Mhz) , I get 2897. At the highest useable (i.e., that I can play UT on for hours without it locking... I -seriously- need some active cooling for my card) speed, around 155, I get more like 2750, these on my Celeron 600@750.
With 1024X768X16

Score: 4715

P3 733 EB (Not overclocked)
128MB RAM (CAS 2-2-2) Micron Memory PC-133 (Not overclocked)
Geforce 2MX (Default settings 175/166)
Setting now with Geforce 2 MX overclocked: 220/185.

Yeah I know my memory is very low overclocked but what can you expect from a No-name brand Geforce.

Score: 5298

So what ppl says that core speed doesnt matter, well it does, my memory is upped 19 Mhz with core upped 45 Mhz and there you see the increase of 583 points.

Btw I am using the Geforce 2 MX cooling kit from Cooltek (www.2cooltek.com). That is the reason the Core did not even have any problem with 220 core speed, but the memory even with the heatsink cannot go over 185 Mhz cause the memory brand is very low. (Arctic Silver Adhesive used to ensure the Cooling Kit stayed on the core and resulting in stable performance.
6819 at 1024/768/16 bit

I have
PIII700@805 MHz, 1,75 V, GORB
115 MHz fsb 192 Mb cas 2
Asus V7700 pure @220/370 MHz nVidia 7.58 drivers