Hi there
I was thinking about upgrading main part of my rig (almeno per la maggior parte dei componenti) with 400 € budget.
This is my actual config:Attualmente
1. CPU: E8400 OC @ 3.6 + Dissipatore Artic Freezer 7,
2. mobo: ASUS P5Q Pro
3. GPU: MSI 6850 Cyclone
4. RAM 2x2 Gb DDR2 GSkill da 400 MHz
5. PSU: 800 W Corsair (don't remember model but it's noisy)
6. SSD: Samsung 830 da 128Gb
7. HDD: 1 Samsung 750 Gb + 1 WD Green 1Tb
8. SO: Win7
9. monitor 22" (1680x1050)
I exclusively use this PC to play (Men of War Assault Squad, Red Orchestra 2, Battlefield3), so I was thinking to go for Intel I5 2500k (... or maybe ivy bridge one ?!?!) but I've to choose new mobo (Z77 ?!?!), RAM (8 or 16 Gb?) and cooler (fan). I would like to buy stuff to do a safe daily OC (4.5 GHz ?!?). Maybe in the future I could decide to experience SLI/Crossfire (but not this year or next one).
This is what I've seen around:
1. mobo: ASUS P8Z77-V (there are many models tra i 130 ed i 200 €), ASUS P8Z77-M, ASRock Z77 Extreme 4 or 6 (120 € or 152 €);
2. cooler: Artic Cooling Freezer i30;
3. RAM: DDR3 Vengeance 1600 MHz (39 € for 2 x 4Gb).
So here are some questions:
1. mobo ?!? (you can suggest other models too)?
2. what do you think about the model I'was thinking about ? 8 Gb or 16 Gb ??
3. cooler: do I need such a big model ? could I experience troubles with DDRAM placing ?
4. as I use my montor at 1680x1050 res., do you suggest me to change my GPU too (Radeon 7850 or 7870)?
5. a quiet PSU you suggest ?
Thanks a lot.
I was thinking about upgrading main part of my rig (almeno per la maggior parte dei componenti) with 400 € budget.
This is my actual config:Attualmente
1. CPU: E8400 OC @ 3.6 + Dissipatore Artic Freezer 7,
2. mobo: ASUS P5Q Pro
3. GPU: MSI 6850 Cyclone
4. RAM 2x2 Gb DDR2 GSkill da 400 MHz
5. PSU: 800 W Corsair (don't remember model but it's noisy)
6. SSD: Samsung 830 da 128Gb
7. HDD: 1 Samsung 750 Gb + 1 WD Green 1Tb
8. SO: Win7
9. monitor 22" (1680x1050)
I exclusively use this PC to play (Men of War Assault Squad, Red Orchestra 2, Battlefield3), so I was thinking to go for Intel I5 2500k (... or maybe ivy bridge one ?!?!) but I've to choose new mobo (Z77 ?!?!), RAM (8 or 16 Gb?) and cooler (fan). I would like to buy stuff to do a safe daily OC (4.5 GHz ?!?). Maybe in the future I could decide to experience SLI/Crossfire (but not this year or next one).
This is what I've seen around:
1. mobo: ASUS P8Z77-V (there are many models tra i 130 ed i 200 €), ASUS P8Z77-M, ASRock Z77 Extreme 4 or 6 (120 € or 152 €);
2. cooler: Artic Cooling Freezer i30;
3. RAM: DDR3 Vengeance 1600 MHz (39 € for 2 x 4Gb).
So here are some questions:
1. mobo ?!? (you can suggest other models too)?
2. what do you think about the model I'was thinking about ? 8 Gb or 16 Gb ??
3. cooler: do I need such a big model ? could I experience troubles with DDRAM placing ?
4. as I use my montor at 1680x1050 res., do you suggest me to change my GPU too (Radeon 7850 or 7870)?
5. a quiet PSU you suggest ?
Thanks a lot.