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power supplies for pelt & system

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Feb 14, 2001
I have a Enermax 430 watt psu that i am planning on running my 156 watt pelt on. Should i only run the pelt on that psu or can i add on a few fans to run off that too? I will end up having 3 120mm fans. 1 Panaflo HF1, 1 Panaflo LF1, 1 stock 120 that came with my addtronics case. I might also add a extra 80 to keep my hard drives cool or something.

The second psu is a Antec 300 watt that i was going to power my system. I dont want to overload that one with fans and stuff because i have enough components already running off it. I never had any problems with it when i had a KT7A-R w/1300 t-bird @1.85.

I'll list my comp specs below and let me know if there would any problems running the fans on the Enermax psu with the pelt. Thx

1.1 T-bird that will be running alot faster when im done.
Iwill KK266-R
3 IBM Deskstar hard drives
384 mb ram
GeForce 3
SbLive w/live drive
1 Kenwood 72x cd
1 Plextor 12/4/32 scsi
Intel NIC, Adaptec SCSI
and of course a 1.44 floppy
I think you are going to be pushing the Enermax with just the pelt. I would recomend using the Enermax for your ssystem and getting a good supply for the pelt, one that will handel the load.

check this one out http://mpja.com/product.asp?product=12640+PS

And this one http://www.teamdelta.com/products/prod3.htm it is at the bottom of the page. I have one of these myself. It will fit inside a full tower case to boot. Not bad for only 40 bucks!
I like the one for $40. Is it a pain in the butt to wire up to the pelt or anything? I got no problem making a cover and adding a cord. Is there good documentation with this, just dont wanna fry my own *** :p

Just wondering, how good would the 551/650 watt Enermax psu be? I think i saw somewhere that its rated up to 20 amps or something.
It is easy to wire up but there are no instructions. The taps on the unit are labled. There is also a vout adjust on the unit. The best thing to do is test it out before you put it in the system to make sure you have everything right.

I don't like using computer psu's for high wattage tec's. To much money for one of the better Enermax when there is a very good cheap solution like in the liks I provided above that will even fit inside a full tower case with ease. Also with a computer PSU you may need to put a load on the 5v line in order to get a full 12v out of it.
Ken just curious about the one at mpga.com, have you used this? Personally i think it looks kinda nice. Im wondering though about the amp side, it appears to allow a selection of voltage but what does that 0-25amp part mean? Can you adjust this side manually as well?
pmoores (Jun 12, 2001 07:50 p.m.):
Ken just curious about the one at mpga.com, have you used this? Personally i think it looks kinda nice. Im wondering though about the amp side, it appears to allow a selection of voltage but what does that 0-25amp part mean? Can you adjust this side manually as well?

I have a friend that used one of those and he is happy with it. I have not played with the unit myself. The 0-25 amp means just that, it can supply 25amps.

The PSU that I have used is from the other link http://www.teamdelta.com/products/prod3.htm I'll take the cheaper $40 solution any day plus like I said it will fit inside a full tower making the whole system internal, very nice for lan parties.
I'm gonna go witht the $40 psu. Just got in touch with them, they only got 3 left. I'll bug you some more when i get it if i have any questions :p
Thanks for help.
Good choice, a 156 watt TEC contributed to the early death of my Enermax 651.
Well i got my stuff and hooked everything up. I was pretty amazed of the power of a peltier. I watched as in seconds frost built up on the cold plate. Just a couple questions i gots.
1. Can the psu be hooked up to my system psu so they turn off & on at he same time? There are more terminals on the psu, but i have no clue what they are for.
2. I checked with my meter and it says its at 16A. Is this about right? Is there a adjuster on it turn give more or less juice? is there a need to.
Please excuse my newbism on this matter. Thx