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Problem oc'ing 3800X2

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It didn't work, unfortunately, however it does prove, once again, that man's best friend is not a dog, but google :D

(advice would still be happily accepted)
here, maybe this can help...

first, change your ht link/LDT to x3. in your bios there are options for changing it to x1, x2, x3, x4, x5.

next, bump your voltage to 1.4 for your cpu.

put your ram on 166 divider.

leave your ram timings alone, set your command rate to 1T

keep your cpu multi at 10.

bump up your cpu fsb/HTT to 220, restart. if it works, pump it up to 230....etc..

some motherboards have an autosafe reset in the bios should the system fail to start with your changes. in order for the system to start, all the parts have to work nicely, or you get the bios cleared everytime without you knowing. sometimes a screen pops up at boot up saying some there is an unsafe something or other. just press start up normally and it should go. if it doesnt, get the error message and type it up here.

EDIT:: forgot to add!!! you might wanna look into better cooling for a nice stable OC for 24/7 use. i have the freezer pro, and its beautifull for the price, but not good for overall OC stability. GOOD LUCK!!!
Il'l try it, however I'm quite satisfied with my Freezer 64 pro, so Il'l keep it.

Il'l try out your tips though, thanks.

forgot to add that it seems that there is a bug on the GA-K8N-SLI that prevents you from putting the HTT at or above 213. I think I might have this bug, because I can go to 212 HTT but not 213.
I have the latest BIOS, however:

I can't believe it, but it worked! However I have another problem now, I can't put my LDT back to 4x, otherwise I get the same problem as before.

Will it take away more performance to leave my LDT at 3x instead of 4x than I get from oc'ing to 2.2? My HT link is at 660 mhz right now, it would be at 880 if the LDT was at 4x, and 1100mhz if it was at 5x (not gonna happen)

Here is what I'm running right now:

LDT: 3x
HTT: 220
CPU multiplier: 10x
RAM Ratio: 166mhz 5/6
There boards that have bugs in HT at some frequencies. The older Asrock SataII motherboard's bios had a lock @ 274mhz but was ok from 280 and up.

The remedy was to go to a lower cpu multiplier to pass over the 274mhz HT.
Yours seems to be at 213mhz. It is possible that it could work at 230 and up.
I suggest lowering the multi to 9x264=2376; put ram divider to 166mhz will put it @ 216mhz, if your ram can handle it; change the NB to cpu to 4x, but SB to 5x (if your bios shows a setting for SB). keep both links @ 16bit.
If your ram can not handle 216mhz, then change to: 133mhz divider.
good luck.
ochungry, it works fine now, but thanks for your input.

I'm now at 2.25Ghz, will probably move up to 2.3 tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who helped out, I love you guys :p