dagamore said:
i should have a dully 1.4 tully
Sorry to hear that, that must really suck
Dully --> Dull:
1 : mentally slow : STUPID
2 a : slow in perception or sensibility : INSENSIBLE b : lacking zest or vivacity : LISTLESS
3 : slow in action : SLUGGISH
4 a : lacking in force, intensity, or sharpness b : not resonant or ringing <a dull booming sound>
5 : lacking sharpness of edge or point
6 : lacking brilliance or luster
7 of a color : low in saturation and low in lightness
- dull·ness or dul·ness /'d&l-n&s/ noun
- dul·ly /'d&(l)-lE/ adverb
synonyms DULL, BLUNT, OBTUSE mean not sharp, keen, or acute. DULL suggests a lack or loss of keenness, zest, or pungency <a dull pain> <a dull mind>. BLUNT suggests an inherent lack of sharpness or quickness of feeling or perception <a person of blunt sensibility>. OBTUSE implies such bluntness as makes one insensitive in perception or imagination <too obtuse to take the hint>. synonym see in addition STUPID
Sorry I just couldn't resist