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Project: Obsidian Water God

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Ever thought of using a "Fogg-it" nozzle instead of a shower head? I have some 1/2 GPM (gallon per minute) nozzles which work great to water my orchids, they produce a really fine mist. they plug into a regular garden hose, I'm sure you could find fittings...

this link is to the 1 gpm nozzles, they also have the 1/2, 2, and 4 gpm nozzles, I'm not sure which would be appropriate. I think they're like 5$, but produce an incredibly fine mist. It would probably put some strain on your pump.


Best, Bill
If he used a mister, the water would evaporate too fast. He would have to full up every 2 hours. Although the cooling solution might be good, he'd lose too much water for it to be worth it.
Obsidian Water God *Temps*

Ok Guys here are the numbers. Here is the heart of the "OWG"
Motherboard: Epox 8KHA
CPU: AMD Thunderbird 1.4(266) "AYHJA Y"
Ram: Mushkin PC2100 DDR 2.5 CAS
Video: Leadtek Winfast GeForce2 GTS
PS: Sparkle 400watt
OS: Windows XP Pro

All CPU temps are based on the in socket thermistor that come with the Epox 8KHA. I know the temps are off, does anyone know the error factor for this board for the thermistor? OK here are the numbers.

CPU: 1.4 @ 1.4 (133x10.5)
Core voltage: 1.80
Room temp: 20C
CPU temp: 36C (1 hour of stress test 38C)
MB temp: 24C

CPU: 1.4 @ 1.6 (133x12)
Core voltage: 1.90 (Highest my MB allowed. Time for voltage mod:) )
Room temp: 20C
CPU temp: 41C (1 hour stress test 44C)
MB temp: 24C

I tried 133x12.5 and 133x13. The computer would not boot into Windows. I don't believe temperature is the problem, but the voltage. What do you guys think?

One thing that I noticed was that within 5 minutes of ending my tests the temps all returned to what they were before the test. So are these good temps or not? This was first water cooled system.
hmmm as expected, your temps are a lil higher then we'd like to see.
water towers should near you toward 25~39c idle/load and ur 30~44c

so i think you should try it w/o the rad.
then see what ya get.
One other thing I changed was to add a TEE at the radiator. The radiator is only 3/8". So I thought perhaps it was killing all my flow. The tee is only temporary till I find a valve to throttle the flow through the tee. Right now the flow goes both ways.

i say you should put some valves in that, so you can take off the rad and put it back... actually just 2 valves would work, one in that T and one in the inlet of the rad... just to see the temp diff with and without the rad...

very nice setup tho!
Nice Job!!

VN Case...ur hard work is getting a lot of respect. :beer:

About glueing plexi. One can also use either super glue or acetone to chemically bond plexi thogether. The nice thing about these are you don't see the "glue" in the seem. Just make sure your edges are very square (use a router table) so that you get even bonding.

Ok Guys,
Between yesterday and today I've tried a bunch of stuff to get my temps down and none of it seems to be working. I've bypassed the radiator, hell I've even cut it out of the loop completely and still running 38-40C with no load and not even OC'ed! I got a temp probe in the bottom of the bong and it reads 24C all the time. So basically the water hitting the water block is 24C. I've reseated the water block 3 times. I added another fan on the other side of the radiator for the push-pull effect and that shows no visible difference in CPU temp. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it. I'm about ready to take a hammer to the Obsidian Water God! Well not really it took to long to build:) Even if it don't work it's still nice to look at.

If you feel the waterblock...is it cool? What's the temp of the waterblock. If you can measure the temp of the water and the block we can better analyze the problem here. If the water is cool then it is probably mounting. If the water is hot then there's something wrong with your bong (too small maybe?).
Its probably your mounting then. Do you bottom out your block? It could also be that the T-Bird just runs hot. Also, you could try using a different shower head with more streams. What kind of thermal paste are you using?