well, my slotket is dead, OpenFriday....
chipped the 4 SMD capacitors(voltage, i think) off last nite (taking of the fu<King ORB!!!) i'm gonna do a por job of using some other ones, and bring it back, and ghet my 26 bucks back....
i'll include some cash with my celly for the voodoo....
cel400 (does 600, garanteed, with more vcore)
(justr got caught... told my teach about this, and he laughed
well, i'll still ship the lsotket if u want me to, i'll be resoldering some capacitors off my savage4... i think they're a match.... so it's your choice. i'll slap on some more capac's, and ship it to you? or bring it back, saying i've never used it, dunno waht i was thinking (which is true).....
what should i do?? waiting on u, man....