Hello. To be sure ill ask here too. So in a short i wasnt at home for 4 days...before left PC was working as always....so i turned off, switched off psu and took out from wall socket. After i got back home and turned everything on....PC didnt react to power button all it did was light up mobo leds and onboard buttons.
Ok i found a very cheapo multimeter at home and followed instructions with paper clip too... So i plugged in 24 pin and one molex adapter for fan, shorted with paper clip and turned on psu....fan is spinning. After that theres a video about testing the connection on molex......so one side where should be 5V it shows 6.5x and other wheres 12V it keeps upping to more than 15V.....ok 12V one goes over 20V. Ill try to find some walktrough about testing 24pin one so to be a bit more sure...but if theres over voltage so thats a PSU for sure....as i really dont want to part away with my maximus
Ok both sides keep upping voltage 5V side goes past 7V too...
So to summarise - Molex connector V is goin way over 12V and 5V. Tested orange 3.3V or 24pin too and it goes over 6V(cant get this secured in as those pins are smaller than tester tips....but it goes up.
So after all this even tho shorting with paper clip did turn on fan from molex...but is V is keep upping up my PSU is broken and im safe to buy new one?
Thank you in advance and i really do like if something is wrong with PC as i learn something new...sadly its very costly discoveries....
Ok i found a very cheapo multimeter at home and followed instructions with paper clip too... So i plugged in 24 pin and one molex adapter for fan, shorted with paper clip and turned on psu....fan is spinning. After that theres a video about testing the connection on molex......so one side where should be 5V it shows 6.5x and other wheres 12V it keeps upping to more than 15V.....ok 12V one goes over 20V. Ill try to find some walktrough about testing 24pin one so to be a bit more sure...but if theres over voltage so thats a PSU for sure....as i really dont want to part away with my maximus
Ok both sides keep upping voltage 5V side goes past 7V too...
So to summarise - Molex connector V is goin way over 12V and 5V. Tested orange 3.3V or 24pin too and it goes over 6V(cant get this secured in as those pins are smaller than tester tips....but it goes up.
So after all this even tho shorting with paper clip did turn on fan from molex...but is V is keep upping up my PSU is broken and im safe to buy new one?
Thank you in advance and i really do like if something is wrong with PC as i learn something new...sadly its very costly discoveries....
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