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Pump suggestions

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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2000
New Jersey
I have a full tower case, and my radiator (DD Cube) is at the top of the case (the only place it will fit), and I have room for pump/container at the bottom of the case, so my water goes up about 2ft. and the flow rate on my Rio600 is pretty low at that height (about 120). So I'm shopping around for a new pump. I was thinking of purchasing a Rio 1100 (290gph @ 2ft) or a Rio 1400 (310 @ 2ft). They both sell for around $18 + shipping. Any other suggestions?
BTW- I have a Maze2 waterblock, cooling cube w/ 120mm Panaflo L1A fan (70cfm), and Rio 600 pump (120gph @ 2ft).
I'm shipping a pump to Australia in the next couple days that I'm pretty impressed with. 1250 Eheim. It's not submersable and rather large, but would easily pump up the 2 foot distance. It's also considerably more, but you asked for options.

you can find it on dangerden's site.

Go with a maxi-jet 1200. It's a 295GPH pump, quiet, and mag drive so no parts to wear out other than impeller. I picked one up at a fish shop for $30.00 US.
They carried RIO also, but highly recommended this maxi-jet unit over RIO for durability.

It's a submersible unit.
I have found the Danner Mag 7 to be optimum for use with Maze 2 and Cube. 700 GPH may sound like a lot but if you restrict the flow, the temps go up. I believe there is a $10 cupon on them at Pet Smart right now.
I have the supreme mag drive 7, its a great pump, very sturdy. I have found that the average price on it is about 60-65 bucks but i found it on the internet for 47 plus like 5 shipping. I know i am not really suspossed to post links in the boards, so if you want to know the url of the site email me at [email protected]
My Eheim 1250 keeps my temps at the level stated in my sig. That's with 3 feet of hosing and the DD cube and MAZE2. I haven't even put on my 156W pelt yet just because I like my temps right now.
Ok I took a look at some of your suggestions, and this is what I found:
Rio 1700 486gph @ 2ft. $25
Rio 2100 600gph @ 2ft. $27
Mag Drive7 550gph @ 2ft. $48
Eheim1250 ???gph @ 2ft. $67
Maxi Jet 1200 ???gph @ 2ft. $35

I'm most interested in the first three. Is the Mag Drive 7 quieter and more reliable than a Rio (that would justify the cost difference)?
600gph at only a 2ft pumping distance? I don't remember the brand of my pump and I'm at work so I can't check it, but it's 350gph at 5ft, I would think since you've gotta go up 2 ft plus into waterblocks and stuff you'd want something higher than 2ft.

Also, I only paid about $25 for mine after shipping and it's a submersible, but it turned into an inline VERY easily.
Polypill- I don't understand your reply, though I think this may be because you misunderstood my last post. All the pumps I've listed can pump higher than 2ft. I just put their flow rate at that lvl.
I will recieve the rio 2100 pump in a day or two, I'll let you know how it is if ya want.
fishdog3- I would like that. What Watercooling components do you have?
JML (Jul 05, 2001 10:06 p.m.):
Polypill- I don't understand your reply, though I think this may be because you misunderstood my last post. All the pumps I've listed can pump higher than 2ft. I just put their flow rate at that lvl.

oh, I'm not very familiar with the different pumps. I thought 2ft was the max. My bad
I'm using a maze 2 w/o pelts and the "mini bong" with the scotch brite pads used to dispirse the water for cooling.

I am also thinking of fooling around with putting some plastic screens in the tube inplace of the pads, i would like to find something that disperses the water well but lets air flow through better than the pads.

Oh well... sometimes my tweeking gets the best of me.

I'll let you know how the pump turns out.
60 gph @ 2.5 ' - Pond pump from Orchard supply. $12.

Works far better than the RIO 150 GPH (or something) that I also have and paid a ton for....
JML (Jul 05, 2001 03:47 p.m.):
Ok I took a look at some of your suggestions, and this is what I found:
Rio 1700 486gph @ 2ft. $25
Rio 2100 600gph @ 2ft. $27
Mag Drive7 550gph @ 2ft. $48
Eheim1250 ???gph @ 2ft. $67
Maxi Jet 1200 ???gph @ 2ft. $35

I'm most interested in the first three. Is the Mag Drive 7 quieter and more reliable than a Rio (that would justify the cost difference)?

Be mindful of RIO. The fish shops I visited suggested that they had a tendancy to break down rather quickly.