Well, I know that I have onboard Raid controller. I also have onboard SCSI crap. All I know is that its FIC. I don't hvae the model for anything, but my mobo is fried... Let me tell you the story!
I was at a friends...we formated my comp. SCSI is a pain in the butt to format, because of drivers, and whatnot. Well, he had to open my case to put another HD in for some reason...One of my fan wires had a crack in it, and it touched my mobo, and fried it... For like 6 months the whole PC wouldn't get power, then one day my dad suggested that I try to boot it up... I pushed the power button, and it worked...I know its amazing, but ever since then, my comp has gone to crap. I am getting a summer job, and all the $ from that will go to my new computer.